Beverage Technologies and Processes


  • Viticulture, Oenology and Alcoholic Beverages (VEB)


The research unit of the Alcoholic Beverage Technology department deals with various issues in the field of alcoholic beverages, such as wine, beer, liqueurs and spirits. The research aspects developed range from transformation technology to quality control. Considerable experience has been gained in oenological techniques aimed at the enhancement of wine quality and typicity. With regard to quality control, the department deals with the development of laboratory and process analysis systems applicable to the wine sector. For years, low impact oenological technologies, reasoned management of oenological coadjuvants and additives and development of innovative coadjuvants have been studied. In the beer sector, also thanks to the help of a pilot plant at the A. Servadei University Farm, research activities have been started and are focused on the production technology and quality control of different types of beer. At the department, two courses are organized annually: a tasting course for beer sommeliers (in March) and a technical-managerial course for beer entrepreneurs (in May) for those interested in starting an activity as craft beer producers. In the sector of distilled spirits, experience has been gained on the optimization of distillation plants for the production of grappa and other aquavits, and on quality control. Formulations based on medicinal plants are developed in the field of liqueurs. From 2013, the department has a supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) pilot plant. The plant is used for the extraction of bioactive compounds from natural matrices and by-products of the agri-food industry. Among the competences gained in the field of supercritical fluids there is the countercurrent supercritical fluid extraction (CC-SFE) used to separate aromatic compounds from beverages, and the non-thermal process with dense phase carbon dioxide (DPCD) applied for fruit juice pasteurization. In recent years, researches have been carried out on other topics such as fruit juice technology, the coffee industry, the use of medicinal plants and by-products of the wine industry. A laboratory is available for the different analytical needs related to the individual researches, from chromatographic analysis of trace components to spectrophotometric analyses, the study of colloidal systems by means of Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and non-destructive analysis by IR spectroscopy. The laboratory also offers a customized external third-party analysis service. Relationships with public and private companies in Italy and abroad are consolidated as part of the research activities. The relationships with many external companies are particularly solid with regards to all studies concerning technological and applicative aspects. For what concerns the researches being carried out, consolidated relationships with the following sections of the Department of Agri-food, Environmental and Animal Sciences have been established: 1. Chemistry 2. Food Chemistry and Technology 3. Crop Science 4. Biology and Microbiology of Food and Environment 5. Biotechnology and Genomics 6. Entomology and Plant Pathology.  

Research subjects

  • Ottimizzazione dei processi e sviluppo di tecniche innovative per controllo e gestione stabilità bevande alcoliche
  • Innovazione di processo nelle filiere delle bevande alcoliche (Ultrasuoni, alte pressioni, CO2 supercritica, campi elettrici pulsati)
  • Studio e gestione dei coadiuvanti e dei materiali condizionanti la qualità del prodotto
  • Sviluppo di sistemi rapidi per controllo qualità e stabilità chimico fisica , microbiologica e sensoriale delle bevande alcoliche
  • Tecnologie sostenibili e a basso impatto ambientale ed igienico-sanitario
  • Sviluppo di filiere innovative finalizzate al miglioramento salutistico del prodotto
  • Ottimizzazione e sviluppo di tecnologie per la maltazione dei cereali
  • Applicazione dell’estrazione con fluidi supercritici (SFE) su matrici naturali e sottoprodotti
  • Studio del sistema colloidale di succhi, bevande e coadiuvanti e sviluppo di coadiuvanti innovativi
  • Sistemi rapidi per il controllo qualità dell’uva e la gestione dei processi di trasformazione
  • Tecnologie per ridurre l’uso di anidride solforosa e additivi tossici nella produzione del vino e bevande alcoliche
  • Sviluppo di kit di analisi rapidi per il controllo di stabilità dei vini e delle bevande alcoliche
  • Gestione dei parassiti fungini in vigneto con nuovi prodotti a basso impatto
  • Recupero della CO2 di fermentazione con microrganismi autotrofi per la produzione di sostanze organiche ad uso alimentare

ERC panels

  • LS9_5 Food biotechnology and bioengineering
  • LS9_11 Biomass production and utilisation, biofuels
  • PE8_5 Fluid mechanics
  • PE8_6 Energy processes engineering
  • PE8_9 Production technology, process engineering
  • SH7_5 Sustainability sciences, environment and resources
  • PE8_11 Environmental engineering, e.g. sustainable design, waste and water treatment, recycling, regeneration or recovery of compounds, carbon capture & storage


  • Vino Qualità Innovazione di processo Bevande alcoliche Birra Processi Sostenibilità
  • Vinificazione Sottoprodotti della filiera Tecnologie sostenibili


Piergiorgio COMUZZO
Roberto ZIRONI