Environmental Pollution and Treatment - Sanitary and Environmental engineering


  • Process Chemical Engineering, Materials and Chemical Technologies and Environmental Engineering

Group's website


The "Environmental Pollution and Treatment" research group, within the Department Polytechnic of Engineering and Architecture at the University of Udine, consists of teaching and technical staff involved in studying environmental engineering problems, within the Department or in other public or private institutions.
The main activity concerns the complex system of the Integrated Water Cycle, pollution and treatment of water resource up to the recovery and circular and sustainable use of the same, with references to characterization, bench-top and pilot plant experimental, design and modelling.

Research subjects

  • Monitoraggio corpi idrici superficiali
  • Monitoraggio di sostanze inquinanti pericolose in acque e fanghi
  • Tecnologie ossidative/disinfezione per il trattamento di matrici liquide
  • Caratterizzazione, processi e verifica di impianti di depurazione
  • Trattamento di fanghi di dragaggio
  • Co-digestione di fanghi di depurazione e matrici organiche

ERC panels

  • PE8_3 Civil engineering, architecture, offshore construction, lightweight construction, geotechnics
  • PE10_17 Hydrology, hydrogeology, engineering and environmental geology, water and soil pollution


Daniele GOI