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Classe LMG/01 laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Giurisprudenza
Crediti 300
Durata 5 anni
Sede Udine
Titolo di studio richiesto diploma di scuola secondaria superiore


A Law degree will give you a thorough knowledge of the Italian legal system, and the skills needed to enter high-level professions in the field of law, economics and Public Administration. You will also acquire a good knowledge of legal terms in at least one foreign language, usually English.
You will be able to access professional positions such as lawyer, Notary or magistrate. Other professions include the Diplomatic service, private enterprises and the Trade Unions. If you study comparative Law, international and European Law, you can also find employment in international and European Companies and organizations.

The Law Graduate can enter the legal professions of lawyer and Notary, as well as competitive examinations for the magistracy, Schools of Specialization, PhD courses and more advanced Master courses. He/she may also enter professions at the highest grade, after passing the necessary competitive exams, where envisaged.