

  • Entomology and Plant Pathology (EPV)


The Entomology group of the Department of Agri-food, Environmental and Animal Sciences of the University of Udine operates in both basic and applied research within the areas of competence of the scientific teaching sector AGR/11 General and Applied Entomology (competition sector 07/D1 Plant Pathology and Entomology). The studies mainly take into consideration issues related to the protection of cultivated plants (crops) and forest plants (woods and forests) from phytophages (e.g. mites and insects). Research is also carried out on the protection of foodstuffs and transformation products from pests, on arthropods of medical interest, as well as on biodiversity. Finally, the group deals with the breeding of bees and the diseases and parasitic diseases that can undermine them, problems related to pollination and arthropods of medical interest.

Research subjects

  • Fattori di stress e salute delle api
  • Indagini sulla biologia delle api (architettura del nido, decodificazione del linguaggio della danza, ecc.)
  • Distribuzione della zecca Ixodes ricinus e dei patogeni trasmessi in Friuli Venezia Giulia
  • Alterazione del comportamento delle zecche indotto dalla presenza di patogeni
  • Modalità di controllo di insetti e acari nei vigneti con metodi biologici di tipo conservativo
  • Strategie di lotta agronomica alla tignoletta della vite (Lobesia botrana)
  • Strategie di controllo di auchenorrinchi vettori di fitoplasmi dannosi alla vite
  • Insetti delle derrate (biologia e controllo)
  • Entomofaune di interesse naturalistico in aree protette
  • Ottimizzazione di modalità diverse di trattamento con insetticidi nei vigneti
  • Diagnosi entomologiche (infestanti abitazioni, industrie alimentari, ecc.)

ERC panels

  • LS8_1 Ecosystem and community ecology, macroecology
  • LS8_2 Biodiversity
  • LS8_3 Conservation biology
  • LS8_4 Population biology, population dynamics, population genetics
  • LS8_5 Biological aspects of environmental change, including climate change
  • LS8_6 Evolutionary ecology
  • LS8_7 Evolutionary genetics


Incaricato esterno di insegnamento
Desiderato ANNOSCIA
Fiorella CHIESA
Francesco NAZZI
Francesco PAVAN