Packaging Systems


  • Food Technology and Human Nutrition (TAN)


The research activity concerns the study of innovative materials starting from biopolymers for food packaging. Within this subject, the main research lines are the development of edible film/coating films and biodegradable films with specific barrier properties and antimicrobial activity, as a strategy to extend food shelf-life. The experimental activity is focused on the study and optimization of formulation and process variables while considering the mechanical, surface and barrier properties of the materials.

Research subjects

  • Sviluppo di film edibili con proprietà barriera al vapor acqueo ed applicazione a prodotti da forno a bassa umidità
  • Microincapsulazione di composti bioattivi in film a base di biopolimeri per un rilascio controllato
  • Studio di packaging alimentari da fonti rinnovabili e biodegradabili a base di PLA
  • Film e materiali per packaging alimentare contenenti costituenti attivi inorganici ed organici con effetto antimicrobico

ERC panels

  • LS9_6 Marine biotechnology and bioengineering
  • PE5_1 Structural properties of materials
  • PE4_17 Characterisation methods of materials


  • Packaging, film edibili, film biodegradabili, sostenibilità


Incaricato esterno di insegnamento