
The maximum amount of fees and contributions for the access and attendance to Ph.D. Programmes is set annually by the academic bodies.

Exemptions and reductions of taxes and contributions are defined in compliance with the regulations in force.

The amounts of the fees and contributions due are available, for enrolled Ph.D. students, on the personal page Esse3.



The maximum amount of fees and contributions is Euro 276.00, including:

  • University contribution, Euro 100.00;
  • Regional tax for the right to University studies, Euro 120 to 160 (depending on the economic situation of the family);
  • Stamp duty, Euro 16.00.


Payment Deadlines

  • First installment by December 31st *
  • Second installment by March 31st **

* excluding Ph.D. students enrolled in the 1st year who have already paid the first installment when registering for the course.
** for reductions, Ph.D. students must submit the ISEE certificate by the date communicated by the research services area – research formation office.


For further information, please see the Internal Regulations for Ph.D.  Programmes and the current national legislation on the subject.