Change management

Programma dell'insegnamento - Corso di laurea magistrale in Economia Aziendale


prof. aggr. Giancarlo Lauto




Department of Economics and Statistics

Learning objectives

The course will provide a comprehensive introduction to the field of Change Management. The course will also examine the topic of Lean Management as a managerial approach aimed at organisational change.

After completing the course, students should: be familiar with the fundamental concepts and theories of Change Management, in particular with the relationship between strategic renewal and behavioural change; be able to analyse patterns of organisational change by relying on theoretical models; be familiar with the core concepts and techniques of lean management, and be able to design a lean management intervention.


Changes to the present program might be communicated during the first lecture. Students are invited to attend to the first class, or to contact the lecturer for any clarification about the contents of the course.

The course will deal with the following themes:

  • Theoretical foundations of change management
  • The nature and the level of organisational change
  • The stages of organisational change
  • Organisational diagnosis: steps and tools
  • Designing an intervention strategy
  • Implementing organisational change at structure, process, and identity level
  • Leading change
  • Resistance to change
  • Organisational culture and change
  • Technology and change
  • Lean management: concepts and techniques

Teaching methods

Several teaching methods will be employed, including: frontal lectures, classroom discussions of business cases and assignments, presentations of managers and entrepreneurs, workshops, short-term projects.


The exam will be a written and/or oral exam.

The exam may be different for students who attend classes.

The outcomes of short-term projects and participation in class will be evaluated as specified during the first lecture.

Learning resources

Learning resources and notices to students will be made available on the website


  • Anderson D.L. (2012). Organization Development. The process of leading organizational change (2nd edition). Sage, Thousand Oaks.
  • Burke W.W. (2011). Organization Change. Theory and Practice (3rd edition). Sage, Thousand Oaks.
  • Cawsey T.P., Deszca G., Ingols C. (2012). Organizational Change. Sage, Thousand Oaks.
  • Jones D.J., Recardo D.J. (2013). Leading and Implementing Business Change Management. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon.
  • Sekaran U., Bougie R. (2013). Research Methods for Business: A Skill-Building Approach (6th Edition). Wiley.
  • Compagno C. (2000). Il cambiamento e l’innovazione, in G. Costa, R.C.D. Nacamulli, Manuale di Organizzazione Aziendale, Volume 3.
  • Kotter J.P, Cohen D. S. (2003), Al cuore del cambiamento. Come le persone cambiano le organizzazioni. Etas, Milano.
  • Spector B. (2010). Implementing Organizational Change: Theory Into Practice (2nd Edition). Prentice Hall.
  • Nicholas J.M. (2010). Lean Production for Competitive Advantage: A Comprehensive Guide to Lean Methodologies and Management Practices. CRC Press

More readings and further instructions regarding the literature will be given during the course.