Organizational Behaviour

Programma dell'insegnamento - Corso di laurea magistrale in Economia Aziendale


prof. Francesca Visintin




Department of Economics and Statistics


The course main goal is to give the students the instruments to interpret, undestand and manage the individual and group behavioral dinamics.

Course outline

Part 1: Organizational Behavior: The Quest for People-Centered Organizations and Ethical Conduct

Part 2: Individual Behavior in Organizations. Key Individual Differences and the Road to Success. Values, Attitudes, Job Satisfaction, and Counterproductive Work Behaviors. Social Perception and Attributions. Foundations of Motivation. Improving Job Performance with Goals, Feedback, Rewards, and Positive Reinforcement

Part 3: Group and Social Processes. Group Dynamics. Developing and Leading Effective Teams. Individual and Group Decision-Making. Managing Conflict and Negotiating

Part 4: Organizational Processes. Influence Tactics, Empowerment, and Politics. Leadership

Lectures are in English. The exam can either be oral in English or written in Italian.


R. Kreitner, A. Kinicki, Organizational Behavior, McGraw - Hill, 2006.

Other useful material
A. Furnham, The psychology of behaviour at work, Taylor and Francis, 2005.
H. Tosi, M. Pilati, J.R. Rizzo, N.P. Mero, Comportamento Organizzativo, EGEA, 2002.
Bert Spector, Implementing Organizational Change: Theory and Practice, Prentice Hall, 2007
Donald R. Brown, Antelope Valley College Experiential Approach to Organization Development, An, 7/E, Prentice Hall, 2005.
B. Senior, J. Fleming, Organisational Change, Prentice Hall, 2004.
C. Compagno, Il cambiamento e l’innovazione, in G. Costa, R.C.D. Nacamulli, Manuale di Organizzazione Aziendale, Volume 3, 2000.
Anderson, Dean, Beyond change management: advanced strategies for today’s transformational leaders, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 2004.
B. Burnes, Managing Change: a strategic approach to organizational dynamics, NY, Prentice Hall, 2004.
Conner, R. Daryl, Leading At The Edge Of Chaos: How To Create The Nimble Organization, New York, New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998.
Galpin, J. Timothy, The Human Side Of Change, San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass Inc. Publishers, 1996.