Quality management

Programma dell'insegnamento - Corso di laurea magistrale in Economia Aziendale


prof. Luciano Ceccon




Department of Economics and Statistics


The definition of quality; quality and reliability
The relationship between quality and innovation: technological discontinuity
From the initial TQ approach of the USA to the subsequent CWQC approach of Japan
Quality control: the Deming cycle; the acceptance control and the relationship with the suppliers; the seven statistical instruments for quality control
The relationship between quality, costs and price; quality and not-quality costs
Quality certificates: the CE mark, the reference standards, the certification agencies, the accreditation agencies
The steps of the certification process
The 2000 revision of the ISO 9000 rules
Quality in the field of services
Quality in the agro-food field: typical products (protected origin mark, controlled origin mark, controlled and guaranteed origin mark, protected geographical mark, organic products); the HACCP methodology
The evolution of the relationship between production activities and environmental safeguard: the environmental certificates (ecolabel, ISO 14000, Emas); the integrated quality/environment/safety systems

Suggested books

A. LOKAR; Manuale di Tecnologia dei cicli produttivi - Qualità e innovazione nei sistemi operativi; Padova, CEDAM, 1996
A. GALGANO; La qualità totale - Il Company-Wide Quality Control come nuovo sistema manageriale; Milano, Il Sole 24 Ore Libri
C. COMPAGNO; Il management della qualità - Dagli standard al knowledge management; Torino, UTET, 1999
M. FREY; Il management ambientale - Evoluzione, organizzazione e gestione del rapporto impresa/ambiente; Milano, F. Angeli, 1996
V. BIONDI; L'audit ambientale: aspetti metodologici e strumenti operativi secondo il regolamento comunitario Emas e le norme ISO 14000; Milano, Il Sole 24 Ore Libri, 1997
M. PROTO, O. MALANDRINO, S. SUPINO; Sistemi e strumenti di gestione per la qualità – Percorsi evolutivi e approcci manageriali; Torino, G. Giappichelli, 2010