Relationship Marketing
Programma dell'insegnamento - Corso di laurea magistrale in Economia Aziendale
prof. Andrea Moretti
Department of Economics and Statistics
Main topics
- Relationship Marketing: evolution and perspectives
- ICT, Internet and business strategy: the web in a strategic, cognitive and relational perspective
- Marketing strategy on line and the Internet marketing plan
- Marketing on line
- Communities and Community management
- Monographic seminar about “The brand and online branding”
- Business Cases poject work for attending studnets
ATTENDING STUDENTS: attending students are those who attend class lessons, business cases presentations, the monographic seminar, and partecipate to work groups
NOT ATTENDING STUDENTS: NOT attending students are those who, even if attending class lessons and/or the monographic seminar, do not participate to work groups
- Objective of the group work is
to develop a Web marketing plan aimed at improving an existing business site;
it is specifically required an online communication plan focused on the word of mouth technique - The project will be presented:
through slides (with teaching notes) (Power Point or similar)
in English - Deliveries:
Class discussion: last weeks (13-22 December)
Final project: within the first exam session - Group works will be evaluated and be part of the total exam evaluation (0.35 weight)
References for attending students
- Sheth J.N., Parvatiyar A. (eds.), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, 2000 – chapters:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 20, 23 **
- Harris L., Dennis C., Marketing the e-Business, Routledge, 2nd ed. 2008 **
- Chaffey D. et al., Internet Marketing, Prentice Hall, 2006 *
–5 (p. 231-237): Price
–8 (p. 373-386): Search engine marketing - Sernovitz A., Word of mouth marketing, Kaplan, 2009, chapters 1-2-3-4, pp.1-66 (testo di supporto alle slide) *
- Kapferer J.N., The new strategic brand management, Kogan Page, 2008, chapters: 1-2-7*
- Kapferer J.N., Re-inventare la marca, FrancoAngeli, 2002 capp. 9 e 16*
- Micelli S., Imprese, reti e comunità virtuali, Etas, 2000, cap.3 pp 91-121 (testo di supporto alle slide)*
- Verona G., Prandelli E., Collaborative innovation, Carocci, 2006 – chapter 6 “Comunità virtuali”, pp. 143-163*
- Anderson C., “The long tail”, Wired, october 2004
- Hagel J., Armstrong A., “The real value of on line communities”, Harvard Business Review, May-June 1996
- O’Guinn T.C.O., Muniz A.M. Jr, “Collective Brand Relationships”, in MacInnins D. et al., Handbook of Brand Relationships, Sharpe, 2009 – cap.9*
- Porter M., “Strategy and the Internet”, Harvard Business Review, March 2001
- Rullani E., “New/net/knowledge economy: le molte facce del postfordismo”, Economia e politica industriale, n.110, 2001
- Teaching notes and slides
References for non-attending students
- Sheth J.N., Parvatiyar A. (eds.), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, 2000 – chapters:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 20, 23 **
- Harris L., Dennis C., Marketing the e-Business, Routledge, 2nd ed. 2008
- Selected chapters from Chaffey D. et al., Internet Marketing, Prentice Hall, 2006 *
- 4 (p. 151-213): Internet marketing strategy
- 5 (p. 231-237): Price
- 6 (p. 256-297): Relationship marketing using the Internet
- 8 (p. 373-386): Search engine marketing - Sernovitz A., Word of mouth marketing, Kaplan, 2009, chapters 1-2-3-4, pp.1-66 *
- Kapferer J.N., The new strategic brand management, Kogan Page, 2008, chapters: 1-2-7 *
- Kapferer J.N., Re-inventare la marca, FrancoAngeli, 2002 capp. 9 e 16 *
- Micelli S., Imprese, reti e comunità virtuali, Etas, 2000, cap.3 *
- Verona G., Prandelli E., Collaborative innovation, Carocci, 2006 – chapter 6 “Comunità virtuali”, pp. 143-163 *
- Anderson C., The long tail, Wired, october 2004
- Dye R., The Buzz on Buzz, Harvard Business Review, November-December, 2000
- Hagel J., Armstrong A., The real value of on line communities, Harvard Business Review, May-June 1996
- O’Guinn T.C.O., Muniz A.M. Jr, “Collective Brand Relationships”, in MacInnins D. et al., Handbook of Brand Relationships, Sharpe, 2009 – cap.9 *
- Porter M., Strategy and the Internet, Harvard Business Review, March 2001
- Rullani E., New/net/knowledge economy: le molte facce del postfordismo, Economia e politica industriale, n.110, 2001
- Teaching notes and slides
Individual oral exam