Quality Management

CORSO DI STUDIO: Laurea magistrale in Economia Aziendale                                                             a.a. 2015/2016

Denominazione insegnamento/Course Title

Quality management

Lingua dell’insegnamento: Inglese
Crediti e ore di lezione: 6 credits, 48 hours

Moduli: NO

Settore/i scientifico disciplinare: SECS-P/13

Docente: Luciano Ceccon
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Prerequisiti e propedeuticità/Requirements

No one.

Conoscenze e abilità da acquisire/Knowledge and skills

The subject offers to students elements useful to understand the principles on which the enterprise quality systems are based and the advantages that may derive for enterprises.

Students will:

- know the evolution during time of the quality concept,
- know the procedure that enterprises deal with to obtain the certification of their quality systems,
- identify the advantages for enterprises that may derive from working with quality criteria,
- be able to apply the general principles of quality systems to different production fields (engineering, agricultural and food industry, …..)

The subject aims at both offering the knowledge relative to the parameters to be taken into account in order to implement a quality system and making the advantages that may derive for enterprises be understood

The both knowledge and understanding of such themes have to offer students the possibility to apply them to various enterprises working in different production fields

soft skills

The themes discussed would allow students get an opinion autonomy on the opportunity of adopting a quality system by different enterprises

Students would acquire the ability of relating/showing the results obtained by enterprises following the choice of a quality system

Students would be able to understand the principles on which a quality system is based and the parameters that have to be monitored in order to verify the results obtained

Programmi e contenuti dell'insegnamento/Course description

The topics discussed are:

The definition of quality; quality and reliability
The relationship between quality and innovation: technological discontinuity
From the initial TQ approach of the USA to the subsequent CWQC approach of Japan
Quality control: the Deming cycle; the acceptance control and the relationship with the suppliers; the seven statistical instruments for quality control
The relationship between quality, costs and price; quality and not-quality costs
Quality certificates: the CE mark, the reference standards, the certification agencies, the accreditation agencies
The steps of the certification process
The 2000 revision of the ISO 9000 rules
Quality in the field of services
Quality in the agricultural and food industry: typical products (protected origin mark, controlled origin mark, controlled and guaranteed origin mark, protected geographical mark, organic products); the HACCP methodology
The evolution of the relationship between production activities and environmental safeguard: the environmental certificates (ecolabel, ISO 14000, Emas); the integrated quality/environment/safety systems

Attività di apprendimento e metodi didattici previsti/Teaching and Learning activities

The on-line didactic material is sufficient to assure the both knowledge and competence levels that have to be acquired.
In every case, some books are suggested that may be used for in depth analyses and comparisons, particularly by not-attending students.
Only theoretical lessons are carried out, with examples of applications to various production fields.


Some books may be looked at for in depth analyses and comparisons with the on-line didactic material.
All books are available in the Library of the Economics-Law Centre.

Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento/Examination

The examination is carried out by a written test, that includes 9 questions providing for “open” replies. Up to 5 points may be awarded to 4 questions and up to 2 points may be awarded to 5 questions.
In every case, the result of the written test is not evaluated as sufficient if the student does not reply to one of the 5-point questions, or if the score awarded to a 5-point question is 0.
All possible questions that may be present in the written test are reported in the website of the on-line didactic material.

Strumenti a supporto della didattica/Further readings and support material

No one.

Tesi di laurea/Thesis

Graduation dissertations that may be developed must deal with the presentation of a case study, that is, the case of an organization (enterprise, civil service, industrial district, ...) that already adopted or aims at adopting a quality system, or an environmental management system, or an integrated quality/environment/safety system.


The subject may be useful to deal with topics that are discussed in the programme of other subjects of the same Course of studies, in particular Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development and Technology of Production Processes, with which a project of didactic coordination exists.
Not-attending students and students enrolled with modalities different from standard matriculation may acquire the level of knowledge and ability required by utilizing the on-line didactic material and by supplementing it if necessary with books that are available in the Library of the Economics-Law Centre. In every case, for these students it is useful to contact the teacher before beginning the preparation in order to take the examination.
An integration of the programme carried out abroad may be required to Erasmus students, on the