Relationship Marketing
CORSO DI STUDIO: Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Economia aziendale a.a. 2015/2016
Denominazione insegnamento/Course Title
Relationship Marketing
Lingua dell'insegnamento: Inglese
Crediti e ore di lezione: 6 crediti; 48 ore di lezione
Moduli: NO
Settore/scientifico disciplinare: SECS-P/08
Docente: Andrea Moretti
Indirizzo email:
Pagina web personale:
Prerequisiti e propedeuticità/Requirements
There are no formal requirements. But students should be familiar with the content of: the course of General Management and Operations Management (Economia e Gestione delle Imprese, BSc) and the course of Marketing both taught in the undergraduate program. In addition, knowledge of some of the topics discussed in the courses of Organizational Theory and Design (Organizzazione Aziendale), taught in the undergraduate program may be helpful to better understand some themes of the course.
For students without a business economics (Bsc) background a useful references is Kotler P., Marketing Management, Prentice Hall (one of the edition from 2001), or an equivalent handbook on marketing management.
Conoscenze e abilità da acquisire/Knowledge and skills
The course aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to the subject of relationship marketing of firms and organizations. Furthermore, it offers an overview of the theories, methods and techniques of internet marketing plan, social media management, brand management and advertising strategy.
Skills related to the discipline
The course aims to provide the fundamental concepts and knowledge on the topic of relationship marketing as an integrative component of marketing in evolutional perspective.
In particular, at the end of the course, students will:
• know the main theoretical theories and models related to relationship marketing;
• know the main methodologies for the implementation of relationship marketing through internet marketing plan definition and implementation;
• know the main theories, methodologies, techniques of: social media marketing and management, brand portfolio, advertising strategy in a relationship perspective;
• be able to apply such theoretical knowledge to the diagnosis of business cases and problems of organizations of different size, sector, complexity;
• be able to apply such theoretical knowledge to formulate guidelines for the definition of relationship marketing solution, with reference to case studies related to organizations of different size, sector, complexity;
Soft skills
Students should be able to independently and critically formulate a diagnosis of relationship marketing problems, and evaluate an intervention. Students should be able to choose independently which tools to adopt in the development of relationship marketing process, given the environmental and organizational conditions.
Through teamwork, students should acquire the ability to work on projects, to manage independently a complex task, to manage conflicts, to manage independently their working time. Furthermore, they should acquire the ability to present oral and written analysis of a business strategy project.
Programma e contenuti dell’insegnamento/Course description
In order to incorporate the latest development in the discipline, the program may change. Any changes will be communicated during the first lecture and published via the online platform. Students are invited to attend the first lesson, to refer to the online platform, or, alternatively, to contact the lecturer.
The course will deal with the following themes:
- Relationship Marketing : the reference theoretical contributions, evolution and prospects
- ICT, Internet and business strategy: the web in a strategic, cognitive and relational perspective
- Marketing strategy on line and the Internet Marketing Plan
- Marketing on line: WOM, Social Media Marketing and Management
- Communities and Community management
- The brand management portfolio and online branding
- Advertising strategy development in an integrated on-off line world.
Attività di apprendimento e metodi didattici previsti/Teaching and Learning activities
Several teaching methods will be employed, including: frontal lectures, classroom discussions of business cases and assignments, presentations of managers and entrepreneurs, workshops, short-term projects.
Reference textbooks will be suggested during the first class, and communicated via the online platform. In addition, teaching materials synthesizing the topics discussed in class will be distributed via the online platform. Other materials will be distributed via the online platform.
Students are recommended to study the reference book(s) and the other texts distributed through the online platform; studying the presentations synthesizing the topics discussed in class is insufficient to ensure a productive learning. It is possible that not all the arguments constituting the course program are covered in class; students are required to study individually these subjects.
Class attendance will not be systematically registered; however, attendance is recommended for a productive learning.
Participation in teamwork to project works is optional; however, participation is recommended for a productive learning.
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento/Examination
The exam is designed to assess students' knowledge of the contents of the course program and their ability to critically interpret and apply that knowledge to a business problem.
The final grade is determined according to the following:
- 75% is collected through the final exam (oral exam, open and close questions type),
- 25% is collected through case studies and group discussions managed in class and project work.
For non attending students, the final grade is determined exclusively by the result of a oral exam (open and close questions type).
The evaluation criteria of the oral exam are the following: breadth and depth of knowledge of the contents of the course program; relevance and appropriateness of the connections established among the topics covered in the course; correctness and originality in the critical analysis of a business problem; appropriateness in the use of the methods for the purpose of the analysis; effective communication.
For further information students are kindly invited to refer to the official syllabus of the course (
The general references include (compulsory):
- Sheth J.N., Parvatiyar A. (eds.) (2000), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage – chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 20, 23
- Harris L., Dennis C., Marketing the e-Business, Routledge, 2nd ed. 2008
- Chaffey D. et al.(2006), Internet Marketing, Prentice Hall, chapters 4 (p. 151-213): Internet marketing strategy, 5 (p. 231-237): Price, 6 (p. 256-297): Relationship marketing using the Internet, 8 (p. 373-386): Search engine marketing
- Sernovitz A., (2009) Word of mouth marketing, Kaplan, chapters 1-2-3-4, pp.1-66*
- Kapferer J.N. (2008), The new strategic brand management, Kogan Page, chapters: 1-2-7
- Kapferer J.N. (2002), Re-inventare la marca, FrancoAngeli, chapters. 9 e 16
- Micelli S. (2000), Imprese, reti e comunità virtuali, Etas, cap.3
- O'Guinn T.C.O., Muniz A.M. Jr, (2009) "Collective Brand Relationships", in MacInnins D. et al., Handbook of Brand Relationships, Sharpe, cap.9 Academic Journal Articles (compulsory):
- Anderson C. (2004), "The long tail", Wired, october
- Hagel J., Armstrong A. (1996), "The real value of on line communities", Harvard Business Review, May-June
- Porter M. (2001), "Strategy and the Internet", Harvard Business Review, March 2001
- Rullani E., (2001) "New/net/knowledge economy: le molte facce del postfordismo", Economia e politica industriale, n.110
More readings and further instructions regarding the literature will be given during the course.
Strumenti a supporto della didattica/Further readings and support material
The online platform will be used for the virtual office hours, when such feature is implemented. Otherwise, email is the preferred medium of communication.
All communications related to the course will be published on the online platform (
Verify the list of thesis project offered on the personal page of Andrea Moretti.
Then contact Andrea Moretti.
Students who do not attend the class, who have a special enrollment (for example: single courses), who take part in international mobility projects, or with special needs, are encouraged to contact the lecturer promptly, preferably via email or through the online platform, for requests regarding the program and the exam.