New wine marketing tools
Prof. Roberta Capitello
Il modulo intende approfondire i nuovi approcci di marketing e comunicazione nel mondo del vino. Si propone di dotare gli studenti di conoscenze e competenze avanzate da applicare nelle imprese vitivinicole per la gestione del sistema informativo, l’elaborazione di strategie di marketing, l’utilizzo dei nuovi media, e i processi di marketing territoriale.
The approach to the wine marketing. The 8Ps of wine marketing.
The phases of marketing research. How to obtain secondary data. Primary data for wine business. Advanced data gathering and analysis techniques.
Wine consumer behaviour. The perception of wine quality.
Wine market segmentation. The role of social and psychological variables.
Wine branding and labelling.
Wine packaging.
Communication goals and new media in the wine industry.
Experience economy, wine experience and wine tourism.
Business networks and territorial strategies.
Hall M.C., Mitchell R. (2008), Wine Marketing. A practical guide, Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier, UK.
Charters S. (2006), Wine and Society. The social and cultural context of a drink, Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier, UK.
Hall M.C., Sharples L. (2008), Food and wine festivals and events around the world, Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier, UK.
Carlsen J., Charters S. (2006), Global wine tourism. Research, Management and Marketing, Cabi, UK.
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