Inglese Scientifico
prof. Dunya Bernardon (
Obiettivi formativi specifici
Il Corso si propone di: revisionare tutti gli aspetti grammaticali che vanno da un livello B2-C1. Inoltre, vengono affrontati articoli scientifici di Biotecnologie in lingue inglese.
Competenze acquisite
- Conoscenza delle strutture grammaticali e tempi verbali principali anglofoni da un livello 'intermediate' ad 'upper intermediate' e da saperli tradurre in modo corretto
- Conoscenza di base e familiarita' con il lessico scientifico inerente a Biotecnologie e conoscenza della corretta pronuncia dei vocaboli nonche' traduzione
Grammatica: Revisione grammaticale da un livello B2-C1,usando 'Grammar Revision Workbook' della Spiga Languages : Unit 1)present simple/present continuous 2)past simple/past continuous 3)future tenses: present cont./future simple/going to/future perfect/future continuous 4)present perfect/present perfect continuous/duration form 5)past perfect/past perfect continuous 6) consolidation 7) -ing or infinitive? 9) conditional:zero , first,second,third type conditional sentences 17) passive sentences/having something done 20) phrasal verbs
Articoli scientifici tratti da: 'GCSE- Biology' third edition, D.G. Mackean, della Trans-Atlantic Publications Incorporated Unit 1)Cells and Tissues; Cell Structure; Cell Division and Cell Specialization; Tissues and Organs; Animal Cells 2) The Chemicals of Living Cells; Cell Physiology; Chemical Components of Cells; Enzymes; Practical Work 3) Energy from Respiration; Respiration; Metabolism; Aerobic/Anaerobic Respiration; Expirements on Respiration 4) How Substances Get In and Out of Cells; Diffusion; Osmosis; Active Transport; Experiments on Osmosis and Dialysis 5) Photosynthesis and Nutrition in Plants; Photosynthesis; Experiments to test Photosynthesis; The Process of Photosynthesis; Gaseous Exchange in Plants; Adaptation of Leaves for photosynthesis; Sources of Mineral Elements; Water Cultures
Grammar Revision Workbook della Spiga Languages
GCSE- Biology, third edition, D.G. Mackean, della Trans- Atlantic Publications
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