Territorial Engineering
The course purpose consist in delve basis knowledge about General systems theory applied to territorial engineering and planning. The student learn basic and rudimental knowledge about techniques of analysis and project of urban and territorial systems, concerning principal items of economic, transportation and utilities.
Acquired skills:
- The course purpose consist in delve basis knowledge about General systems theory applied to territorial engineering and planning. The student learn basic and rudimental knowledge about techniques of analysis and project of urban and territorial systems, concerning principal items of economic, transportation and utilities.
- General systems theory applied to territorial engineering and planning.
- Models of localization of firms.
- Spatial economy.
- Rudiments of traffic principles and models.
- The theory of economic basis.
- The Gary-Lowry’s model.
- Basic rudiments of data and indicators analysis for the formation of maps.
General systems theory: Systemic definitions and their application to the territorial systems explanation. Some different theories applied to territorial and regional planning. (10 ore)
The economic sub-system: Models of localization and spatial-economic theories. Classical theory of localization. Von Thunen, Loria, Weber. The central places (W. Christaller). The economic of location by Lösch. The substitution model of economic items by Isard. (14 ore)
The transportation sub-system: Traffic principles and models. Main nets and knots concerning conveyance. Examples. (12 ore)
The utilities sub-system: The theory of economic basis. The Lowry’s model for utilities location. Examples. (4 ore)
Valuations of urban and environmental data and indicators: Environmental impact valuation. Valuations of urban and environmental qualities. Attraction and systemic organization of natural and anthropological environment. (4 ore)
Data and indicators analysis: Basic rudiments of data and indicators analysis for the study and planning of territory. Structure of territorial items. Hints about valuation techniques. (2 ore)
Trainings: Assignment of annual themes. (4 ore)
- E. Scandurra, Tecniche urbanistiche per la pianificazione del territorio, CLUP, Milano, 1987.
- J.B. Racine, H. Reymond, L’analisi quantitativa in geografia, Venezia, Marsilio, 1983.
- B.J. McLoughlin, La pianificazione urbana e regionale, Marsilio, Venezia, 1973.
- J. Regulskj, La pianificazione della città: un approccio sistemico, Officina edizioni, Roma, 1981.
- A Reggiani (a cura di), Territorio e trasporti. Modelli matematici per l’analisi e la pianificazione, F. Angeli, Milano, 1985.
Additional material or information on line http://Cards provided by the teacher during the course
Type of exam:
Oral and thesis