Geotechnics (Complementi di geotecnica)
Acquired skills
- To know the purposes of in situ investigation and the main methods of in situ testing
- To know and use the main theories of lateral earth pressures
- To know the principles of italian geotechnical code (Inspired to EuroCodes n. 7 and 8)
- To design retaining walls in static and seismic conditions
- To design sheet pile walls in static and seismic conditions
- To design anchors in static and seismic conditions
- To design shallow foundations under different load condition and evaluete their settlements
- To design deep foundations with different methods and evaluete their settlements: single or in group.
In situ investigation
Scope and purpose of site investigation, core drilling, methods of sampling. In situ testing: SPT,FVT, Dilatometer,Cone penetration tests and dilatometer tests (6 hours)
Lateral earth pressureRankine's theory of earth pressure, Coulomb's theory, Caquot Kerisel theory; Thrust against rigid wall (4 hours)
Geotechnical codePrinciples of italian code to design geotechnical structures in static and seismic conditions. (4 hours)
Retaining wall designTipology of retaining walls and their design in static and seismic conditions: SLU and SLE (12 hours)
Sheet pile walls design
Tipology of sheet pile walls and their design in static and seismic conditions: SLU and SLE (8 hours)
Anchors design
Tipology of anchors and their design in static and seismic conditions (2 hours)
Trench stability
Limit equilibrium methods to verify stability condition of cuts and trenches. (2 hours)
Shallow foundations
Tipology of shallow foundations, Bearing capacity of foundations under different load conditions and evaluation of their settlements. (10hours)
Deep foundations
Tipology of deep foundations, Evaluation of bearing capacity with different methods, behaviour of piles under horizontal loads, settlements of piles. (12 hours)
- Elementi di Geotecnica. Colombo P., Colleselli F. - Zanichelli. Bologna.
- Geotecnica. Lancellotta R. Zanichelli. Bologna
- Fondazioni. Viggiani C. Hevelius Edizioni. Napoli
- PDF copies of lesson slides
Additional material or information on line http://
Type of exam
Oral and/or thesis