Seismic Engineering (Costruzioni in zona sismica)
Behavior of buildings in case of earthquake. General design criteria for resistance to earthquake. Specific criteria for the design of reinforced concrete structures in seismic areas. Design and analysis of seismic resistant structures of traditional type and with innovative protection technologies. References to the Italian Code for constructions in seismic areas especially with regard to reinforced concrete structures. Insights on strength hierarchy and ductility.
Acquired skills
- Ability to conceive a structural system according to anti-seismic requirements in cases of reinforced concrete, steel, masonry and tall buildings.
- Ability to perform the calculation of seismic force distribution.
- Ability to conceive and design reinforced concrete buildings considering the resistant behavior and ductility of the structure.
- Ability to design provisional interventions in the post-earthquake.
Causes of earthquakes. |
Seismic waves, seismograph, epicenter, magnitude and intensity of an earthquake and related measure scales.
2 h |
Basic principles of seismic design. |
Causes of structural collapse, stiffness, strength and ductility, center of mass and stiffness, influence of plan and vertical configurations in seismic response, required, ideal and probable strength, overstrength.
13 h |
Dynamic response. |
Stiffness, damping and fundamental period of a concrete, masonry or steel single-degree of freedom structures, typical accelerograms, elastic and elastic-plastic response spectra, dynamic response of inelastic systems.
7 h |
Method of equivalent static forces. |
Seismic forces distribution in buildings. P-delta and torsional effects.
5 h |
Design principles for reinforced concrete structural elements. |
Behavior of confined concrete, effect of transverse reinforcement, resistant mechanisms in the presence of shear in the plastic hinge, sliding shear, plastic hinge length, curvature and displacement ductility, behavior of beam-column joints and construction detailing.
12 h |
Steel structures in seismic areas. |
Fundamentals on steel braces, instability of structural elements and bolted and welded connections.
6 h |
Masonry buildings. |
Masonry mechanical behavior, box-like behavior, evaluation of static conditions of existing buildings, wooden floors with composite slabs.
6 h |
Innovative seismic protection systems. |
Base isolation and elastomeric isolators, hints to other seismic protection systems.
4 h |
Tall buildings. |
Vertical and plan structural types for the construction of skyscrapers.
3 h |
Provisional interventions on structures in the post-earthquake. |
Provisional support and retention bracings for damaged buildings. |
2 h |
- Paulay T, Priestley MJN, 1992. Seismic design of reinforced concrete and masonry buildings. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 744 pages.
- Castellani A, Faccioli E, 2008. Costruzioni in zona sismica, seconda edizione. Hoepli, 344 pagine.
- Fardis M, Carvalho EC, Fajfar P, Pecker A, 2015. Seismic design of concrete buildings to eurocode 8. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 401 pages.
- Ministero delle Infrastrutture. D.M.14/01/2008 – Norme tecniche per le costruzioni. Supplemento ordinario N. 30 alla GU n. 29 del 4/2/2008; 2008.
- EN 1998-1 (2004). Eurocede 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance – Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings, 229 pages.
- Bisch P, Carvalho EC, Degee H, Fajfar P, Fardis M, Franchin P, Kreslin M, Pecker A, Pinto P, Plumier A, Somja H, Tsionis G. EUR 25204 EN – 2012. Eurocode 8:Seismic design of buildings Worked examples, 276 pages.
Type of exam
Oral test