Nanoelectronics and Bioelectronics (integrato con Electronic Devices and Components)
prof. Luca SELMI
Obiettivi formativi specifici/Objectives
The class illustrates the fundamentals of solid state physics and semiconductor physics required to understand the design and fabrication criteria of modern micro and nano-electronic devices.
Competenze acquisite/Acquired skills
- Elements of quantum mechanics and transport theory in semiconductors and nanodevices.
- Understanding the potential and opportunities given by micro and nano-technologies.
- Understanding the implication of geometry, technology and physics parameters on device performance.
- Understanding scaling limits and technology boosters.
- General introduction and topics in electron device reliability.
- Interfaces between biosystems and electronic systems.
- Ability to solve simple quantum mechanical problems in nanodevices.
- Ability to solve simple semiclassical transport problems in nanodevices via the Monte Carlo method.
Programma/Lectures and exercises
Elements of quantum mechanics for engineers: Schroedinger equation; electronic properties of crystals; band structures; density of states; effective mass approximation; Fermi level (8 hours).
Elements of electron transport for engineers: the Boltzmann transport equation; Moment's method; hydrodynamic and drift-diffusion models; The Monte Carlo method to solve the transport equations; calculation of terminal currents in nanostructures (8 hours).
Quantum effects in electron devices: quantization and high field transport effects in modern electronic devices; threshold voltage shift, gate capacitance attenuation, saturation of the drain current; nanowires and nanodots and potential applications in nano-electronics (10 hours).
Scaling of nano-electronic technologies: the ITRS; impact of geometrical scaling on the performance of electronic devices; ways to overcome scaling limitations exploiting quantum and high field transport effects; short channel effects and velocity saturation; high field transport; architecture of modern bipolar and MOS devices for high performance applications (SOI, Double Gate, FinFETs, Gate all around, heterojunction bipolars) (8 hours).
Models for advanced electron devices: balistic and quasi-balistic transport models for electron devices; consequences of quasi-balistic transport on the performance of electron devices; concepts of strained silicon technologies (6 hours).
Reliability of electron devices and interconnects: degradation mechanisms of electron devices; tunneling; hot carrer effects; electromigration; latch-up, etc. (6 hours).
Electric systems / Biosystems interfaces: electrostatics of electrolyte/dielectric/semiconductor interfaces (8 hours).
Exercises (6 hours).
Labs (6 hours).
- Lecture notes
- Muller-Kamins, Device electronics for integrated circuits, Wiley
- D.Esseni, P.Palestri, L.Selmi "Nanoscale MOS Transistors", Cambridge University Press
- Y.Taur, T.Ning, Fundamentals of Modern VLSI devices, Cambridge
- G.Ghione, Dispositivi per la microelettronica, McGraw-Hill
Modalità d'esame/Type of exam
oral exam
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