Business Information Systems (the English translation of "Sistemi informativi aziendali" )
prof. aggr. Fabio CANDUSSIO
The course provides the fundamental principles regarding design and management of enterprise information systems, with particular reference to the architectural and functional features. It also describes the main methodologies for change management and business processes mapping. This course describes the main Enterprise Systems: ERP, complementary operational systems (APS, MES, WMS), informational systems for decision support and business performance control.
Acquired skills
- Basics of Information Systems.
- Knowledge of ERP Systems and Complementary Operational Systems (APS, MES, WMS).
- Change Management, Methodology and Implementation of IT Projects.
- Customer Relationship Management : Tools and Methods.
- Knowledge of Business Intelligence Solutions : Data Warehousing and Data Mining.
- Performance Management and Control Systems.
Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)
Information Technology: Basics: some information about Historical Evolution of IT (2 hours).
Business Information Systems: IT Needs, Anthony's Diagram, Enterprise Systems: Operational Systems and Decision-Making Systems (2 hours).
Operational Systems: operational systems, aim, data capture, business processes mapping, SCOR model, Porter's value chain (4 hours).
ERP & SCM Systems: state of the art and evolution of ERP systems, methodology, modules, internal project, teamwork, planning, implementation; Extended ERP, Supply Chain Management Systems (8 hours).
Complementary Operational Systems: advanced planning & scheduling systems, manufacturing execution systems, warehouse management systems (14 hours).
Customer Relationship Management: CRM, definition, objectives, technology role, strategic choices, real cases (2 hours).
Informational Systems: Performance Management Systems, definition, objectives, role, key performance indicators (4 hours).
Data Warehousing and Data Mining: business intelligence approach, architecture and conceptual models, multidimensional analysis, OLAP, reporting tools and analytics tools (4 hours).
Labs (12 hours).
Tutorials/Seminars (8 hours).
- Lectures slides
- Gestione della produzione – ISEDI - De Toni, Panizzolo, Villa (particularly: Chapter 21: I sistemi informativi a supporto della produzione, Fabio Candussio, available on the web page
Type of exam
Written and oral
Additional material or information on line