Business Strategy (completed with Finance and Control)
prof. Guido NASSIMBENI
Obiettivi formativi specifici/Objectives
The course illustrates the basic elements of strategic planning: analysis of the internal (resources and competences) and external (industry and rivals) competitive environment, basic strategies, strategic behaviours depending on the type and the stage of the product/industry life-cycle, diversification processes, vertical and international growth, strategies for innovation management. The course also points out the key concepts for Business Planning: idea description, market analysis, marketing, operations, organization, economic and financial plan.
Competenze acquisite/Acquired skills
- To point out the key strategic variables.
- To interpret the strategic conduct of enterprises according to their competitive environment.
- Acquaintance with the stages and the process of strategic planning.
- Ability to elaborate a business plan.
Programma/Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)
Introduction: definition, the process of formulating a strategy, context framework (2 hours).
Industry analysis: the 5 competitive forces model; factors influencing the competitive intensity and dynamics (4 hours).
Basic strategies: basic strategies, characteristics and requirements; the risks of these basic strategies (2 hours).
Analysis of competitors: the identification of the potential competitive profile; previsions on the future competitive behaviours (2 hours).
Emergent, mature, and declining industries: determinants and obstacles to industry growth; long-term changes; the product life cycle; strategy in emerging industries, characteristics, constraints, strategic alternatives, and entry time; the transition of the industry to maturity, characteristics, traps, and organisational implications; strategies in declining industries, characteristics, competitive options, and alternatives (2 hours).
Strategic innovation management: inventions and innovations, the innovation process, profitability of innovation, the appropriability of innovation rents, strategies of exploitation (4 hours).
Strategies in fragmented industries: factors causing fragmentation, possible alternatives, the “blocked” industries, how to deal with fragmentation, strategic traps (2 hours).
Resources and competences based strategies: resource-based objectives, the role of the analysis of resources in strategy formulation, types of resources and competences, identification of distinctive resources and competences of the firm, market imperfections (2 hours).
The business growth: growth strategies, intensive, integrative, diversification; advantages and disadvantages of vertical integration; concentric and pure diversification; growth forms (4 hours).
Portfolio Analysis: Boston and MacKinsey approaches to portfolio analyses (2 hours).
Business Planning: business description; organisational, operational, economical and financial plan (16 hours).
Global industries and International Strategic Management: internationalization processes, antecedents and consequences; global and multi-domestic strategies; international operations strategies; international sourcing and manufacturing, definitions, determinants and obstacles, developmental stages; sourcing in China and India (6 hours).
Exercises (8 hours).
Tutorials / Seminars (12 hours).
- Guido Nassimbeni, Strategia Aziendale, Dispensa delle lezioni
- Porter M., La strategia competitiva – Analisi per le decisioni, Compositori, 1982
- Grant R.M., L’analisi strategica per le decisioni aziendali, Il Mulino, 1999.
Modalità d'esame/Type of exam
Written and oral