Electronic Systems (the English translation of "Sistemi elettronici")
prof. Pierpaolo PALESTRI
Provide the specific skills required for the analysis and design at the "block diagram" level of radio transceivers at high frequencies, such as the terminals for mobile phones. At the end of the course the student should acquire the following skills:
-Knowing how to identify the main figures of merit of merit of such devices, with particular attention to the behavior in the presence of noise, interfering external, non-linearity of the equipment and frequency references that are not ideal .
- Be able to evaluate the advantages and drawbacks of different transceivers architectures, also in relation to the type of communication standards adopted and the modulation/demodulation schemes.
- Knowing how to understand and use the methodologies for the analysis of circuits and electronic systems in the presence of noise.
- Knowing how to combine the performance of individual building blocks in order to obtain the performance of the complete system.
Acquired skills
- Identify the main characteristics of the circuit blocks needed to implement telecommunication circuits.
- Understand the specifications of the components and systems for telecom applications.
- Learn methodologies to analyze the impact of of noise and non-linearities in electronic circuits and cascaded circuit blocks.
- Understand the basic architecture and operating principle of rf transmitters and receivers.
Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)
Introduction: recent developments in the technology for RF circuits (2 hours).
Specifications of linear circuits and systems: gain, bandwidth, propagation time, rise time of circuits and cascaded circuit blocks (4 hours).
Modulation and multiple access: main modulation techniques; multiple access; duplexing; main wireless communication standards (GSM, bluetooth, etc.) (8 hours).
Specifications of non-linear circuits and systems: distortion and intermodulation in circuits and cascaded circuit blocks (8 hours).
Noise in electronic circuits: sources, modeling, noise in systems, components and cascaded circuit blocks (12 hours).
RF Trasmitter and receiver architecture: superetherodyne, Homodyne, Image reject, etc. (8 hours).
RFID: basics of passive RFID systems (8 hours).
Exercises (6 hours).
Labs (10 hours).
- Lecture notes
- B.Razavi, RF Microelectronics, Prentice Hall, 1997
Type of exam
Written and oral
Additional material or information on line