Marketing and Product Development (completed with Service Management)
prof. Pietro ROMANO
Obiettivi formativi specifici/Objectives
The course aims to present and discuss problems and solutions concerning the commercialization and distribution of industrial goods (Business Marketing, Marketing B2B or Industrial Marketing).
Competenze acquisite/Acquired skills
- Knowledge of the differences between Industrial Marketing and Consumer Marketing.
- Knowledge of the characteristics of industrial goods markets and of the differences from those of the consumer goods.
- Knowledge of the models, techniques and tools to make decisions concerning market segmentation, targeting and product positioning.
- Knowledge of the phases of the pricing process in B2B, and of the models, techniques and tools supporting decision making in each phase.
- Knowledge of the models, techniques and tools to plan pricing strategies, to decide prices, to implement pricing policies, and to manoeuver on prices and margin.
- Knowledge of the phases of the new product development process in B2B, and of the models, techniques and tools supporting decision making in each phase.
- Knowledge of the Quality Function Deployment, the Conjoint Analysis, the Taguchi’s Methods (Design of Experiments), the Simultaneous Engineering, the value analysis.
- Knowledge of the models, techniques and tools supporting decision making concerning the distribution of industrial goods.
- Knowledge of the models, techniques and tools supporting decision making concerning the communication strategy for industrial goods.
Programma/Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)
1-Introduction and definitions: definition of business marketing; reference framework for the course; characteristics of industrial goods markets and differences form the consumer goods (4 hours).
2-Marketing strategy: market segmentation: models, techniques and tools; the choice of market segments (market targeting): actractiveness and competitivity analysis; product positioning: positioning maps and gap analysis (6 hours).
3-Marketing mix: pricing: the importance of pricing in B2B; the characteristics of pricing in B2B; the drivers of pricing decisions in B2B; the phases of pricing process in B2B; pricing strategies and objectives; 4 criteria for price determination in B2B; pricing policies; manoeuvres on prices and margins (8 hours).
4-The Frigobanc case: determining the price of an industrial good with the full costing method (3 hours).
5-Marketing mix: product: the phases of new product development process; problems and decision supporting solutions in design; techniques and tools for new product development in B2B, Competitor Analysis and Benchmarking, Conjoint Analysis, Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Value Analysis and Engineering, Concurrent Engineering, Design of Experiments; organising new product development (8 hours).
6-The Finn-Power case: variety management in B2B contexts characterized by frequent engineering changes – using product modularity to align design, marketing and production planning (3 hours).
7-The QFD case: analysis of a case study on the implementation of the Conjoint Analysis (3 hours).
8-The Conjoint Analysis case: resource-based objectives, the role of the analysis of resources in strategy formulation, types of resources and competences, identification of distinctive resources and competences of the firm, market imperfections (3 hours).
9-Marketing mix: distribution: Forrester Effect; the role of forecasts in supply chains; forecast techniques; collaborative forecasting; CPFR: collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (6 hours).
10-Marketing mix: communication: the phases of communication process in B2B; the components of the communication mix in B2B; communication tools in B2B (6 hours).
11-Project work: analysis and discussion of project works (10 hours).
Exercises (26 ore).
Notes and studying materials suggested by the teacher.
Modalità d'esame/Type of exam
Written and oral
Additional material or information on line