Energy production systems (the English translation of "Sistemi per la produzione di energia")
prof. Piero PINAMONTI
The course provides students with in-depth knowledge engineers mechanical energy systems. In particular, the systems will be treated for the production of hydro-electric, steam, gas turbines and combined cycle, thermal and nuclear plants, focusing in detail on the functional behavior of the machines, the problems inherent in their installation and adjustment, on different system configurations and performance achievable.
Acquired skills
- To understand the energy systems operation.
- To know functional and constructive characteristics of main energy systems.
- To choose a good energy systems installation.
- To know the main power plant solutions.
- To foresee the main enviromental pollutions from power plants.
Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)
Introduction on power plants: introduction to the course; types of energy production plants; general considerations and comparisons (6 hours).
Hydro-electric power plants: hydro electric plants, design, performance and regulation storage hydraulic plants (6 hours).
Steam power plants and boiler: thermo-electric power plants, design, performance and regulation steam boiler generator (4 hours).
Steam turbines: steam turbines for thermo-electric plants, design, performance and regulation (6 hours).
Gas turbines power plants: gas turbines for power plants and propulsion systems, design, performance and regulation (8 hours).
Combined gas-steam plants: combined gas-steam power plants: thermodynamic design and performance; main components, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, gas turbine (10 hours).
STIG, IGCC and PFBC plants: other power plants with gas turbines, Steam Injected Gas Turbines, Integrated Gas Coal Combined plants, combined plants with Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion (4 hours).
Nuclear power plants: nuclear power plants; main characteristics end performance (4 hours).
Guided tours (12 hours).
- Cohen, Rogers and Saravanamutto, "Gas turbine theory", Longman Ed.
- Horlock, "Cogeneration Combined Heat and Power", Pergamon press
- Salisbury, "Steam turbine and their cycle", Wiley
- Henry, "Turbomachines hydrauliques" (in French), Presses Polytechniques et univ. Romandes
- Larminie, Dicks, "Fuel Cell Systems Explained", John Wiley & Sons
Type of exam
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