Energy Technologies (the English translation of "Energetica generale")

Energy Technologies (traduzione in inglese del programma di Energetica generale) - cdl magistrale in Ingegneria Meccanica


prof. Giulio CROCE






The student acquires the basic notions useful for a correct understanding of energy balances, and for a rational comparison and informed choice among different primary energies (fossil fuels, renewable energies) for specific purposes. The course will also provide the basic principle for the optimization of system energy efficiency in both civil and industrial framework.

Acquired skills

- Ability to read and understand national energy balances.
- Ability to evaluate the choice between different energetic plant options in order to satisfy a specific mechanical or thermal energy demand.
- Ability to understand the management of a complex energetic system.

Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)

Italian energy system: primary energy sources and energy transformation pathline; energy balances; energy demand prediction (4 hours).
Fossil fuels:  oil, coal, gas, availability, use; transformation processes; refinery, gassification, combustion (8 hours).
Combustion emissions: thermal direct and indirect (green house effect) pollution; NOx, SOx and particulate emissions; emissions control before, during and after combustion; vehicle pollution (6 hours).
Nuclear energy: nuclear fusion and fission process; nuclear power plant, traditional and fast breeder reactor; nuclear fusion plants (4 hours).
Solar energy: solar thermal power plants; heated water from solar energy; solar energy and heat pumps for residential heating; photovoltaic systems (6 hours).
Hydropower:  reservoir size choice; optimal exploitation of a river; energy demand profiles and pumping and reservoir power plants (4 hours).
Wind energy: wind characterization; maximum energy available (Betz limit); energy production at a given site by a given turbine (4 hours).
Geothermal energy: geothermal energy: definitions, dry steam and water plants (4 hours).
Biomass: global energetic efficiency, including production energy losses; effect on CO2 balance; Biofuels and energetic plantations (4 hours).
Municipal solid waste: recycling, RDF, environmental impact; MSW combustion plants (2 hours).
Combined heat and power and combined cycles: combined heat and power, primary energy savings; power plants with Diesel engine, steam and gas turbines; combined steam and gas power plants (6 hours).
Residential heating: district heating, heat pumps; geothermal heat pumps; trigeneration (6 hours).
Fuel cell: generalities and examples (2 hours).


- G. Comini,  G. Croce, S. Savino: Energetica Generale SGE Padova

Type of exam


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