Environmental Compatibility of Industrial Plants (the English translation of "Compatibilità ambientale degli impianti industriali")
prof.ssa aggr. Patrizia SIMEONI
The course aims to provide students with the knowledge of useful elements and methodologies to be adopted for an environmentally sustainable industrial plant design. The course is structured in two parts, each with different objectives. Firstly the course aims to develop capabilities for problem solving of real issues in plant design, by using decision support systems and innovative techniques. Secondly, fundamental competences for designing industrial plants for waste’s and by-products’ flows treatment and re-use are provided.
The course analyzes the environmental sustainability of industrial processes, logistics and reverse logistics (RL); approaches to design for Environment (DOE); the life cycle analysis (LCA) as a tool for energy-environmental optimization; environmental impact assessment (EIA and SIA),the design of treatment facilities for end-of-life products, the design of energy recovery plants from waste and industrial scraps.
The course integrated with the teaching of “Ecological Plants” (Course Master of Science in Environmental Engineering and Energy.
Acquired skills
- Competences on decision support systems and innovative techniques for choosing among different alternatives for both planning and plant design.
- Knowledge on design of industrial areas in terms of sustainability.
- Design capabilities, specifically on treatment and auxiliary plants.
- Competences on environmental regulation influencing designing choices.
- Competences on Design for Environment to control the use of resources in products and processes.
- Knowledge on environmental factors linked to products and logistics.
Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)
Environmental regulation and cleaner production: critical analysis of EU and National environmental regulation; introduction to the concepts of cleaner production (CP), life cycle thinking (LCT), design for environment (DOE), applied to product and eco-industrial park design; impact on industrial plant design of energy/environmental and technical regulation (6 hours).
Industrial plant environmental impact assessment: environmental interactions of industrial plants for environmental-friendly designing; plant location choice linked to environmental quality; environmental sustainability of industrial processes and eco-industrial parks; preliminary design of auxiliary plants for gaseous emission abatement and waste treatment plants; basic principles of technical-economic environmental impact assessment (12 hours).
Processes of recycle, recovery and valorization of energy: product life cycle management; techniques for eco-management for the reduction of emissions and energy saving (eco budgets, environmental product declaration); characteristics and size of the industrial and warehousing and storage of materials in order to reduce emissions; design criteria for auxiliary plants (classification, piping , valves, sizing open and closed networks, measurements of concentrations, extractor fan, sizing systems for reducing emissions, collection design lines); design of material recycle/recovery plants and related siting; energy recovery from waste and by-products from productive cycles (16 hours).
Logistics: environmental sustainability of external logistics for inbound supply and outbound distribution and reverse logistics (RL); safety, efficiency, effectiveness, economics and traceability of industrial waste collecting and management systems; modeling and optimization of reverse logistics (8 hours).
Decision Support Systems and Methods: environmental indicators methodology; multi-criteria and multi-attribute analysis; eco-audit, Environmental Life Cycle Analysis (raw materials and energy inventory, manufacturing, formulation & processing, distribution & transportation, use, re-use & maintenance, supporting tools for LCA); risk management; material flow accounting e input-output analysis; real applications of multicriteria or multiattribute analysis (12 hours).
Exercises (10 hours).
Guided tours (4 hours).
Tutorials / Seminars (4 hours).
- Simeoni P., Course Handouts
- Handbook on Decision Support Systems, vol 1 and 2, Ed Springer, 2008
- A. Monte, Elementi di Impianti Industriali volumi 1 e 2, Ed Libreria Cortina Torino, 2003
- Vismara, Valutazione impatto ambientale: strumenti, metodi e modelli
- Lund H.F, The McGraw-Hill Recycling Handbook, 2001
- Guidelines for the design, production and running of high tecnology plant for the disposal and urban waste,GEVA edizioni,2004
Type of exam
Oral and/or thesis
Additional material or information on line