Exergy Analysis (the English translation of "Analisi exergetica")
prof. Giulio CROCE
The student acquires the capability of understanding, comparing, and critically evaluating the performances of complex energy systems involving different energy forms (heat, mechanical power, electrical power). This is achieved via the full understanding of the principles of exergetic analysis, which will provide the student with basic principles for correct planning of larger energy systems.
Acquired skills
- Full understanding of available energy and exergy concept.
- Capability of understanding of combined heat and power systems.
- Capability of carrying out full energetic and exergetic analysis of complex power plant and energy systems.
- Complex thermal system optimization.
Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)
Definitions: maximum available mechanical work; general definition of exergy; definition and evaluation of exergy in closed and open systems, exergy associated with heat transfer (4 hours).
Exergetic efficiencies: first and second principle efficiencies for elementary transformations, comparison and physical interpretation; compressions and expansions, heat exchangers (4 hours).
Combustion: evaluation of exergetic content of fuel; exergetic analysis of combustion chambers, steam and hot water generators (6 hours).
Power plant cycles: bitermic cycles; exergetic analysis of Otto, Diesel, Rankine and Joule cycles; Regenerative Rankine cycle (8 hours).
Refrigerators and heat pumps: exergetic analysis of refrigerators and heat pumps; adsorpion cycles; numerical examples, comercial plant performance evaluation (4 hours).
CHP: CHP with Diesel engines; CHP with gas turbine, exergetic comparison between simple, CHP and regenerative cycles (6 hours).
Combined steam and gas cycles: combined steam and gas cycles, one and two steam cycles, regeneration effect, Heat Recovery Steam Generator analysis (6 hours).
Innovative cycles: fuel cell plants and hybrid systems, exergetic considerations and design examples (6 hours).
Computational example: complex combined cycle optimization via exergetic analysis (4 hours).
Applications: CHP - Traditional and innovative system performance evaluation (4 hours).
Heat exchanger network: heat exchanger network; T-q plots; numerical examples (6 hours).
National energy system: example of exergetic analysis of a large energy system, the Italian national energy system (2 hours).
Exercises (14 hours).
- G. Comini, Fondamenti di termodinamica applicata, SGE - Padova
- G. Comini, G. Croce, S. Savino Energetica Generale, SGE - Padova
Type of exam
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