Experimental methodologies for flow machineries and energy conversion systems (the English translation of "Sperimentazione sulle macchine e i sistemi energetici")

Experimental methodologies for flow machineries and energy conversion systems (traduzione in inglese del programma di Sperimentazione sulle macchine e i sistemi energetici) - cdl magistrale in Ingegneria Meccanica


prof. Luca CASARSA






the course is aimed to provide to mechanical engineering students the basic knowledge about instrumentation and experimental methodology that is necessary to perform experimental activity on flow machinery, energy conversion systems and their components. The main topics will be:

  • Introduction to measurement techniques, characteristics of instruments, measurement errors.
  • Acquisition and processing of experimental data.
  • Pressure measurements, flow and superficial temperature measurements, mass flow measurements, flow velocity measurements by means of probes or non intrusive techniques.
  • Experimental methodologies for flow machinery performance evaluation.

All the specific topics developed in classroom, will have practical application with dedicated experimental activity.

Acquired skills

- Basic knowledge on experimental methodology and instrumentation to perform measurements on flow machinery and energy conversion system or, more in general, to perform experimental activity on thermo-fluid dynamic problems.
- Basic knowledge about measurement theory and associate errors.
- Basic knowledge on experimental data acquisition and processing.

Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)

Introduction to measurements techniques: measurement process, working characteristic of instruments, measurement error theory (10 hours).
Acquisition and processing of experimental data: measurement chain, amplifiers, data acquisition systems/boards, data sampling, statistical data elaboration, error propagation theory (8 hours).
Thermo-fluid dynamic measurement techniques: measurements of pressure, temperature, velocity and mass flow (10 hours).
Experimental evaluation of flow machinery performances: experimental methodology for performance assessment of flow machinery based on international standards (6 hours).
Experimental evaluation of energy conversion system performances: experimental methodology for performance assessment of energy conversion systems based on international standards (6 hours).
Labs (20 hours).


- Books and notes provided by teacher in classroom

Type of exam
