Industrial Engineering and Plant design I (the English translation of "Impianti meccanici I modulo")
prof.ssa aggr. Damiana CHINESE
The course presents basic concepts in industrial engineering (particularly: economic evaluation and optimization methods) and their application to support business objectives in facilities design.
Acquired skills
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
- Describe manufacturing systems using proper language and diagrams.
- Estimate capital and O&M costs of production systems and assess the financial viability of industrial projects, including both manufacturing systems and service facilities.
- Select and design proper material handling systems.
- Select the most suitable structure for pipe-bound systems and energy systems within factories, dealing with centralization-decentralization, part load and reliability issues.
- Understand how industrial engineering tools can be applied to different contexts (e.g. transportation, energy, service industry etc.).
Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)
Fundamentals of industrial engineering: factories, types, structure, objectives and requirements of the manufacturing industry (2 hours).
The feasibility study: definition and components of feasibility studies in the manufacturing and service industries; input data and output parameters; market analysis, availability of raw materials, plant location, selection of production processes and capacity. Capital costs and O&M costs (4 hours).
Engineering economics: fundamentals of engineering economic analysis; Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating models; short term economic analysis and break even anlaysis; tools for long term economic analysis: interest rates and time equivalence; present worth analysis and life cycle costing; Annual Cash Flow Analysis; selection of a Minimum Attractive Rate of Return; Sensitivity analysis; Risk and uncertainty; Multicriteria analysis for facilities engineering decisions (6 hours).
Production systems and operations: production systems; underlying principles, types of production systems; production process description, diagrams and ASME standards; the product-process matrix; facilities layout and principles of facilities design; optimization methods and their application to production systems design (8 hours).
Service facilities: definition and classification, principles underlying the design of service facilities; centralized versus decentralized systems, general features, pros and cons (2 hours).
Pipeline based service facilities: the case of water distribution: principles of buffer sizing considering capacity and availability issues; water distribution in factories; principles of pipe design, economic diameter and pipe selection; sizing of reservoirs and surge tanks (6 hours).
Materials handling and conveyor design: principles of materials handling; belt conveyors types, applications and design principles; pneumatic conveyors, application fields and design principles; screw conveyors, features and design principles (8 hours).
Lifting equipment: bucket elevators and continuous lifting equipment; hoist and cranes, components and design principles based on FEM standards (6 hours).
Exercises (tutorials): engineering economics and feasibility studies; production systems design and evaluation of alternative layouts; industrial water distributions systems design; selection and design of belt conveyors, pneumatic conveyors and screw conveyors; design of serial lifting equipment (12 hours).
Guided tours (2 hours).
Tutorials / Seminars (4 hours).
- D. Chinese, Course Handouts available online
- M.S. Peters, K.D. Timmerhaus, R.E. West Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers, McGraw Hill, 2008
- F. Turco Principi di progettazione degli impianti industriali. Città studi edizioni, 1996
- A. Monte, Elementi di Impianti Industriali volumi 1e 2, Ed Libreria Cortina Torino, 2003 (consultazione)
Type of exam
Written and oral