Industrial Engineering and Plant design II (the English translation of "Impianti meccanici II modulo")
prof. Gioacchino NARDIN
The course provides elements and methods for the design of industrial and mechanical plants. Tools for the system description, methods for the study of feasibility, economic evaluation of the plant and the design parameters optimization are treated. The theoretical principles are applied to the definition of productive system capacity and to the design of principal mechanical plant at their service, such as transport plant and continuous /discontinuous lifting, energy conversion system, distribution network or recovery of fluid and energy, thermo technical and fire protection plants.
Acquired skills
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
- Knowing methods for industrial plant design at the light of current law.
- Ability to design hydraulic, oleodynamic and aeraulic networks for fire extinguishing systems, for heating systems, for compressed air distribution systems.
- Ability to design energy saving systems and to evaluate energy management practice.
- Ability to design flue gas treatment systems.
- Ability to assess the economic performance of design alternatives.
Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)
Introduction to engineering design practice: legislative and ethic issues in engineering design; industrial and mechanical plants within industrial factories; schemes and graphics in plant design (2 hours).
Engineering economics applications: incorporating economic variables in plant engineering design; review of Engineering Economics fundamentals, the value of time and relevant economic indicators (NPV, IRR, PBP); Life Cycle Costing; how to estimate costs of plants and operation costs and how and why are they interrelated; costs of inefficiency and obsolescence (4 hours).
Fluid distribution systems design: pipes and joints, pipe protection, valves, expansion joints. Standard schemes, pipe layout, circuit balance, technology and construction management (4 hours).
Hydraulic systems design: design of minimum capacity hydraulic networks, stationary fire extinguishing systems design, sanitary systems; design of fixed capacity hydraulic networks, industrial applications, industrial heating systems (4 hours).
Aeraulic systems design: design of low temperature aeraulic systems, types, components, layout, technology and construction management; high temperature aeraulic systems (4 hours).
Compressed air networks design: design of compressed air distribution systems (4 hours).
Storage/supply systems design: logistic chain, type and storage silos design (4 hours).
Industrial heating systems: standards and legislative constraints, fuel treatment and adduction plants, heating stations, heat distribution systems (4 hours).
Depuration system design: standards and legislative constraints, type and choice of depurator, preliminary design of several dust, flue gas and smells depurators (4 hours).
Energy recovery and management: energy costs; renewable energy sources, applications in industrial plants; design of storage systems and relevant logistics; sizing of renewable energy conversion equipment and management optimization; gas and oil engines, turbines, cogeneration systems selection and assessment (4 hours).
Industrial safety management and design: safety standards and legislation, classification and assessment of risks, safety reporting (4 hours).
Exercises: fire protection system design of an industrial activity; heating system design of an industrial plant; compressed air network design; storage system design of an industrial activity; economic and technical feasibility analysis of service plant and energy recovery systems (10 hours).
Guided tours (4 hours).
Tutorials / Seminars (4 hours).
- Nardin G, Course Handouts available online
- Monte A., Elementi di Impianti Industriali, Volumi 1 e 2, ed. Libreria Cortina, Torino, 2003
Type of exam
Written and oral