Innovative Manufacturing Systems (the English translation of "Tecnologie innovative di produzione")

Innovative Manufacturing Systems (traduzione in inglese del programma di Tecnologie innovative di produzione) - cdl magistrale in Ingegneria Meccanica


prof. aggr. Marco SORTINO






The course provides knowledge, methodologies and tools for experimentation and innovation of manufacturing processes. Modern concepts for manufacturing are introduced. The following topics are covered: modeling and identification of manufacturing processes, design of experiments and statistical analysis of data for process optimization, statistical process control of production processes, physical modeling of metal cutting, dynamics of machining systems, advanced NC programming and CAD/CAM systems, intelligent machining systems, machinability testing, rapid prototyping, microfabrication technologies.

Acquired skills

- Basic analysis of discrete time and random signals.
- Design and analysis of experiments for process innovation and optimization.
- Modeling and identification of manufacturing processes.
- Advanced CAD/CAM/CNC approaches for planning and programming the production process.
- Advanced techniques for the production of high-precision mechanical components.
- Monitoring and control techniques applied to manufacturing systems.
- Knowledge of advanced manufacturing systems, such as microfabrication systems.

Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)

Introduction: innovation of manufacturing systems; main trends in production systems; lean manufacturing; industry 4.0 concepts and applications; digital manufacturing systems (5 hours).
Fundamentals of signal processing: introduction to signal processing techniques; Fourier transforms and Discrete Fourier Transform - DFT; sampling. Introduction to random signals; identification of frequency response; examples and applications (3 hours).
Statistical experimental methods for quality: introduction to design and analysis of experiments; statistical comparison between populations, t-test and p-value; full factorial experimental designs; factors, levels, replications; analysis of variance and other techniques for the analysis of the data; techniques of multiple linear regression for the identification of models; examples and applications (5 hours).
Modeling of manufacturing processes: theoretical and experimental approach for the identification of models; white, grey and black-box models; experimental identification procedure; classification of methods of identification; parametric and non-parametric models; off-line approaches and on-line identification; identification methods in time and frequency domain (4 hours).
Advanced concepts on machine tools: insights on CNC axes and spindles; dynamics of machine tools, interpreter, interpolator, physical axes (3 hours).
Machining system dynamics: advanced modeling of cutting forces for tools with complex geometry; dynamic model of turning; chatter vibrations in turning; the regenerative effect and the stability lobes; dynamic model of milling; chatter vibrations in milling; techniques for chatter prediction and suppression (6 hours).
Intelligent manufacturing systems: intelligent manufacturing systems; sensors and monitoring systems for manufacturing processes;, fundamentals of signal theory in time and frequency domain; synthesis of monitoring and control systems (6 hours).
Advanced topics on CAD/CAM/CNC programming:  programming of tool trajectory; advanced elements CNC programming for high-precision production; the APT language; CAM systems; Post-processor; CAM programming with commercial CAM software; examples and applications (14 hours).
Numerical techniques (FEM) for simulation of manufacturing processes: introduction to numerical simulation of manufacturing processes; Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches; implicit and explicit calculation method; application of FEM techniques for the simulation of metal forming operations; practice with commercial FEM software (7 hours).
Production of micro mechanical systems: micromachining; electrochemical micromachining; deposition of thin films; lithography; LIGA process; packaging of micro systems  (4 hours).
Exercises: exercise on discrete-time and random signals; exercise on design and analysis of experiments; exercise on identification of mathematical models of manufacturing systems/processes; tutorial on solving problems of deformation/vibrations during the cutting process; exercise of advanced CNC programming; exercise of production cycle planning by using CAM software and physical simulator; exercise with commercial FEM software for the simulation of metal forming operations; exercise on the implementation of a monitoring system (20 hours).
Guided tours (3 hours).


- Y. Altintas, Manufacturing Automation: Metal Cutting Mechanics, Machine Tool Vibrations, and CNC Design, 2nd Edition, 2012, Cambridge University Press
- D.C. Montgomery, Progettazione ed analisi degli esperimenti, 2005, McGraw-Hill (oppure l’originale in inglese: D.C. Montgomery, Design and Analysis of Experiments, 8th Edition, 2012, John Wiley & Sons)
-  A. Zompì, R. Levi, Tecnologia Meccanica, Lavorazioni ad asportazione di truciolo, UTET
-  A.V. Oppenheim, W.R. Schafer, J.R. Buck, Discrete-Time Signal Processing, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall Signal Processing Series
-  S. Kalpakjian, S. Schmid, Tecnologia Meccanica, 6a edizione, Pearson Prentice-Hall (oppure l’originale in inglese, ovvero: S. Kalpakjian, S. Schmid, Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, 7th edition, Pearson Ed Asia)
-  R. Isermann, M. Münchhof, Identification of Dynamic Systems, An Introduction with Applications, 2011, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Type of exam

Oral and/or thesis

Other information and didactic material available on line