Turbulent Flow Modelling (the English translation of "Modellistica di flussi turbolenti")
prof. Alfredo SOLDATI
The course provides the basic physical concepts and mathematical tools required to (1) understand the fundamental phenomenology of single-phase and two-phase turbulence, and interpret experimental data and simulations; (2) analyze single-phase and two-phase turbulence processes of interest for environmental and industrial applications; (3) use state-of-the-art computational models to optimize fluid mechanics system design.
Acquired skills
- Basic understanding of turbulence processes.
- Modelling of turbulence processes.
- Basic computational skills for computational modelling.
Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)
Introduction: background and basics concepts; conservation equations (continuity, Navier-Stokes); non-dimensionalization; Kinetic Energy Transport Equation (10 hours).
Vorticity Dynamics: definitions of vorticity, physical significance of mathematical definition Circulation Birth, diffusion, and death of vorticity Viscous flow inside and outside a rotating cylinder, diffusion length scale Vorticity Equation, potential and stream functions Biot-Savart Law, Helmholtz's Theorem, point Vortices, 2-D vortex motions, basic vortex interactions Discrete Vortex Method (10 hours).
Boundary Layer: Laminar Boundary Layer Blasius problem, Stokes problem Free plane jet Integral momentum method (8 hours).
Turbulence: Reynolds-averaged conservation equations (RANS); Reynolds stress tensor; closure problem for RANS equations, closure laws and scaling; Law of the Wall Inner Variables; statistical description of turbulence; introduction to Multiphase Turbulent Flows (18 hours).
Turbulence Modelling: turbulence modelling for computational fluid mechanics.; zero, one and two equation models; Large Eddy Simulation and Direct Numerical Simulation (10 hours).
Instability: instability and transition to turbulence hydrodynamic instability; introduction to linear stability analysis; Large Scale Structures (4 hours).
Exercises (18 hours).
- Lecture notes
- P. Andreussi, A. Soldati, Fluidodinamica di Processo, Ed. ETS, 2000
- S.B. Pope, Turbulent Flows, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 2000
- R.L. Panton; Incompressible Flow; Ed. Wiley & Sons, 1960
Type of exam
Written and oral
Additional material or information on line