Air Pollution Control Technoloy
Develop advanced skills for the analysis, design, optimization and control of processes used in treatment of exhaust gases.
Acquired skills:
- Design of air pollution apparatus
- Evaluation of environmental impact of processes
Air pollution: causes of air pollution, sources of air pollution, main pollutants (COx, NOx, SOx, VOC, particulate matter. (4 hours)
Treatment of VOC: VOC incinerators: theory and design consideration, thermal and catalytic oxidizers, heat recovery. Flares. (6 hours)
Adsorption of VOC: Adsorption theory: isotherms of adsorption, physical properties of adsorbents, design of fixed bed. (4 hours)
Removal of SO2: material balance. Gas-liquid absorption. regenerative and non-regenerative processes. Detailed description of a DeSOx process. (8 hours)
Treatment of NOx: Mechanism of NOx formation: Thermal, Fuel, Prompt. Control techniques: primary and secondary. SCR processes. Numerical examples. (6 hours)
Pollution control from mobile sources: Introduction on Catalytic processes. Three way catalytic converters, Diesel traps, Diesel oxidation catalysts. (12 hours)
Hydrogen: Role of hydrogen in the development of environmentally friendly processes. Fuel cells. (6 hours)
Other technologies: Condensation. (2 hours)
- Catalytic air pollution control : Commercial technology; Heck, Farrauto, 2009 -
- Sources and control of air pollution , Heinsohn and Kabel, Ed: Prentice Hall, 1999 -
- Air Pollution, Its origin and control, Wark, Warner and Davis, Ed: Addison-Wesley, 1998
- Process engineering and design for air pollution control, Benitez, Ed: Prentice Hall
- Diesel Emissions and their control W. A. Majewski, M.K. Khair Ed: SAE International, 2006