Design of Industrial Plants
Develop advanced engineering skills and competency for the analysis, design, optimization and control of processes/devices used in industrial processing
Acquired skills:
ability to apply conservation principles (mass, momenum and energy) to study mass/momentum/energy transport phenomena tipically involved in processing devices with a special focus on design of industrial apparatuses such as
1. pipelines for gas/liquid transport, multiphase flow transport; storage tanks, …
2. devices for the mechanical separation of a suspended phasedevices (gas/solid, gas/liquid, liquid/liquid separators)
3. heat exchangers
4. mass transfer equipments
Storage tanks and pipelines for fluid transport: Storage of incompressible fluids (emptying/filling dynamics, sizing of safe discharge valves; analysis and economical optimization of hydraulic lines). Storage and transport of compressible fluids (emptying/filling dymanics of pressurized tanks, gas transport along pipelines). Multiphase transport (flow regimes, pressure drop in multiphase flows). Flow through porous media (22 ore)
Transport/separation of suspended matters: Pneumatic transport (sizing of pneumatic lines). Mechanical separation of suspended matters (particle dymanics, colection mechanisms, design of mechanical separators: settling chambers, cyclones, electrostatic precipitators, filters; stage separation, costs of separation devices) (16 ore)
Heat transfer equipments: Design of heat transfer equipment (tubular, shell and tube, ...) (6 ore)
Mass transfer equipments: Equilibrium stage/continuous mass transfer equipments; design of absorption column (plate columns, packed columns, ...) (16 ore)
Andreussi, P. e Soldati, A. Fluidodinamica di Processo, Ed. ETS
Benítez J., Process engineering and design for air pollution control, Prentice-Hall
Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering, Vol I e II, Ed. R.K. Sinnott
Cussler, E.L. Diffusion mass transfer in fluid systems, Cambridge Univeristy Press
McCabe, W.L., Smith, J.C., Harriott P., Unit operations of chemical engineering McGraw-Hill, New York
Type of exam:
Written: sizing of devices and solution of transport lines