Hydraulic Structures (Costruzioni idrauliche)

Programma dell'insegnamento di Hydraulic Structures (Costruzioni idrauliche) - cdl magistrale in Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e il Territorio


prof. aggr. Matteo NICOLINI


12 CFU


This course aims at providing theoretical and practical elements for understanding the behavior of drainage and water supply systems and for their design, referring in particular to flood control structures and sewer and water distribution systems.
This course aims also at providing theoretical and practical elements for understanding the behavior of drainage and water utilization systems and for their design, referring in particular to: drainage and irrigation systems in agriculture, hydroelectric power plants and river training works. Objective of the course is also an introduction to the analysis and optimization of hydraulic systems.

Acquired skills:

- Elements of hydrology and statistical hydrology
- Hydraulics of natural drainage systems
- Design of flood control structures
- Hydraulics and design of urban drainage systems
- Hydraulics, modeling and design of water supply systems
- Agricultural drainage systems- Irrigation and irrigation systems
- Hydroelectric power plants
- Training and stabilization of upper river courses
- Water retaining and intake structures
- Introduction to water resources planning and management and hydraulic systems optimization


Elements of hydrology

The hydrologic cycle. Rainfall, natural catchments and runoff processes. Hydrologic losses. Hydrologic data.

4 hours

Elements of statistical hydrology

Statistical analysis of rainfall and river discharges. Extreme value distributions and extreme floods.

8 hours

Natural drainage systems and rivers

Geometrical and physical characteristics of watersheds and rivers. Flow regimen of rivers.

6 hours

Rainfall-runoff transformations

The flood hydrograph. The rational method and the linear reservoir method. The unit hydrograph method.

10 hours

Urban drainage systems

Combined and separate sewer systems. Sewer characteristics and design. Sewer pipes and appurtenances. Modeling and design of stormwater and drainage systems.

14 hours

Water supply systems

Water supply and distribution systems. Modeling and design of pipe networks.

12 hours

Hydroelectric plants

Characteristics of power plants. Intake structures, water conductors, powerhouse structures and hydraulic turbines.

12 hours

Agricultural drainage systems

Agricultural drainage systems and networks. Construction and design of drainage systems and canals. Pumping installations.

8 hours

Irrigation systems

Physical properties of soils. Water requirements of crops: evapotranspiration. Irrigation systems and related  structures.

4 hours

River training and control structures

Elements of river sediment transport. Training of upper courses of streams and rivers. Techniques of slope stabilization. Erosion control works.

12 hours

Water retaining and intake structures

Concrete and reinforced concrete dams. Earth dams. Weirs and intakes.

8 hours

Water resources planning and optimization

Introductory concepts of water resources planning and management. Operations research and optimization. Linear programming. Hydraulic systems optimization.

10 hours

PC Lab

Introduction to HEC-RAS software. Introduction to EPANET software. Introduction to EPA-SWMM software.

12 hours


- Lecture notes
- Chow et al.,(1988), Applied Hydrology , Mc Graw Hill
- Zipparro, V.J. (1993), Davis' Handbook of applied hydraulics, Fourth Edition, Mc Graw-Hill
- Mc Ghee, Terence J., (1991), Water supply and sewerage, Mc Graw Hill

Type of exam:

Practical exercises and oral