Engineering Geology (Geologia applicata)
The aim of this course is to give the basic knowledge about the main geological-environmental processes involving most engineering works. These processes are difficult to model but have to be considered in the engineering design and during the construction works of many civil structures. The course will permit a detailed knowledge about many engineering–geological topics, such as: the characteristics of slope failures and landslides, the basic principles of rock mechanics (both intact rock and rock joints), the fundamental aspects related to the design of complex, and/or large-sized, engineering works such as: 1) the stabilization of unstable slopes, 2) the design of dams and related reservoirs and 3) the engineering geological characteristics of tunnels.
Acquired skills
The student will be able to characterize and to classify various types of catastrophic geological processes, with a particular attention for the landslides. During the course many calculation examples of the safety factor of a slope will be performed adopting the limit equilibrium method (LEM), especially for rock slopes. Traditional engineering-geological investigations, required for the site characterization, will be described and discussed. Particular attention will be given to the analysis of the main engineering geological aspects related to the design of large engineering works having complex interaction with the underground and the surrounding area, such as: dams, reservoirs, highways and tunnelling works.
Principles of Rock Mechanics |
Definition and classification of the rock mass. Stereographic projection of rock joints: the Wulff and Schmidt stereo-nets. Brittle behaviour of rocks and the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The Barton failure criterion to describe the shear strength of rock joints. The main properties of rock joints according to ISRM (1981). |
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Slope Stability and Landslides |
The international classification of landslides according to Varnes (1978). Typical failures for soil and rock slopes. Geomorphological aspects of landslides. The shear strength of soils. Critical conditions determining slope instability. Stability analyses of slopes using the limit equilibrium approach. Techniques used for the monitoring of unstable slopes and traditional remedial works adopted for the stabilization. Calculation examples of the safety factor of a slope. |
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Engineering Geology of Dams and Reservoirs |
Permeability of the reservoir banks. Variation of the slope stability caused by high and low reservoir levels. Progressive soil infilling of the reservoir. Selection of the appropriate dam site. Engineering-geological site investigations for the dam design and related hydraulic works. |
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Engineering Geology of Tunnels |
Engineering geological investigations for the design of tunnels. Rock mass structure influencing the construction methods and the stability of tunnels. Excavation methods of tunnels and advancement velocity of the tunnel head. Tunnel support and reinforcement of the surrounding material. In situ geological stresses and stress state acting on the tunnel lining. |
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Ippolito F., Nicotera P., Lucini P., Civita M., de Riso R., 1987 – Geologia Tecnica per ingegneri e geologi, ISEDI, Milano.
Desio A., 1979 – Geologia applicata all'ingegneria, Hoepli, Milano.
Bruschi A., 2004 – Meccanica delle rocce nella pratica geologica ed ingegneristica. 400 pagine, Formato 21x29,7 Edizioni Dario Flaccovio, Palermo - 2004. ISBN 9788877585820
Hoek E., 2007 – Practical Rock Engineering. File PDF scaricabile direttamente dal sito
Type of exam
Oral exam with practical calculation examples