Electronics (the English translation of "Fondamenti di elettronica")
prof. Luca SELMI
The class aims at providing the student with the elementary notions in the field of modern Electronics. In a top-down approach, a quantitative overview ranging from integrated digital systems, to electronic circuits and electron devices, both in the the fields of digital and analog signal elaboration, is presented.
Acquired skills
- Knowledge of the main electron devices.
- Analysis and design of analog circuits.
- Analysis and design of simple digital circuits and logic networks.
- Understand and analyse interconnections among electronic.
- Knowledge of the main circuit schemes for A/D and D/A conversion.
Lectures and exercises (Topics and specific content)
Introduction to semiconductor devices: introduction to solid-state physics and charge transport; silicon devices; drift diffusion phenomena; P-N junction (2 hours).
Diodes: P-N diodes; current voltage relationship; threshold voltage; solution of circuits with diodes (3 hours).
BJT transistors: transistor effect; Ebers-Moll model; operation; current characteristics; design and analysis of circuits with BJTs (5 hours).
MOSFET transistors: MOS structure; operation; current voltage characteristics; design and analysis of circuits with MOSFETs (8 hours).
Small signal analysis: the concept of amplification; polarization and linearization; equivalent circuits for BJT and MOSFET; differential parameters; network functions; elementary amplifiers; multistage amplifiers (10 hours).
Operational amplifiers: the operational amplifier and elementary circuits; circuits with OPAMPs; feedback circuits (4 hours).
Digital circuits: digital electronics; RTL logic; CMOS logic; design of logic circuits (10 hours).
Sequential networks: bistable circuits; Flip-Flop; registers; finite state machines (4 hours).
Memories: memory cells, memory organization (4 hours).
A brigde between the two worlds: the analog-to-digital conversion, general principles, A/D and D/A circuits (2 hours).
- Materiale didattico on-line del docente (http://elearning.uniud.it)
- Richard C. Jaeger, Microelettronica, Mc Graw Hill, prima o seconda edizione (quella comprendente anche la parte di elettronica digitale
- A. S. Sedra, K. C. Smith, "Microelectronic circuits" - Oxford University Press - 2004
- Jacob Millman, Arvin Grabel, Microelectronics, Mc Graw Hill
Type of exam