Theory of Structures (Tecnica delle costruzioni)
aquisition of theory and principles of structural mechanics with the purpose to:
- learn the static behaviour of structures
- design and verify reinforced concrete structures.
Acquired skills:
- Statically indeterminated structures solution with the displacement method
- Design principles of reinforced concrete
- Design with the last Code Lectures and exercises hours
Statically indeterminated Structures: Solutions of statically indeterminated structures (24 hours)
Materials: Stress and strain relationships for concrete and steel (6 hours)
Reinforced Concrete Structures: Verification with the admissible stress method (24 hours)
Reinforced Concrete Structures: Design Loads, Serviceability and Ultimate (12 hours)
Steel structures: Stress and strain relationships for structural steel,Design of steel structural elements, Global behaviour of steel buildings (12 hours)
Exercises: Exemples of solutions of statically indetermined structures with the displacement method (12 hours)
- Gambarova,P., et al. Esercizi di Tecnica delle Costruzioni, Città Studi Edizioni, Torino, 1995
- Gauld B.J.B. Calcoli strutturali per architetti, Sistemi editoriali, Napoli, 2004
- Cosenza E. et al. Strutture in cemento armato - Basi della progettazioni, Hoepli, Milano, 2008
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Type of exam
Written and oral