Advanced Microeconomics

CORSO DI STUDIO: Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Economics-Scienze Economiche                   a.a. 2015/2016

Denominazione insegnamento/Course Title

Advanced Microeconomics

Lingua dell’insegnamento: Inglese
Crediti e ore di lezione: 9 CFU, 72 ore di lezione

Moduli: NO

Settore/i scientifico disciplinare: SECS-P/01

Docente: Clara Graziano
Indirizzo email:
Pagina web personale:

Prerequisiti e propedeuticità/Requirements

Students are supposed to have an in-depth knowledge of several tools of math and basic microeconomic theory. There is no specific compulsory requirement in addition to those required to enroll to the Laurea Magistrale.

Conoscenze e abilità da acquisire/Knowledge and skills

The course aims at providing students with a thorough knowledge of the models used to study  economic phenomena at micro level. Economic models must carefully identify decision makers, goals, choices and relationship between choices and outcomes. As a result there is a clear linkage between the conclusions one draws from the application of economic reasoning and the assumptions made. This allows one to distinguish between unsupported claims and logically derived propositions.  Aim of the course is to make students accustomed to this way of thinking.

Kwoledge and skills specific to the course

The course is intended to contribute to the development of the following skills:

-          students will develop the ability to figure out what are the main hypotheses driving theoretical models and the limitation these assumptions impose on behavior of economic agents ;

-          students will learn the methodology economics employs in order to study different economic phenomena;

-          students will learn how to proceed from theory to empirical evidence (testable implications derived from theoretical models);

-          students will develop the ability to distinguish the different approaches and conclusions proposed by different schools of thought.

Soft skills

The course aims at contributing to the development of the following soft skills:

Ability of making judgements: students will be able to analyze, through the use of the appropriate tools, the key issues addressed by microeconomics.

Communication skills: the ability to rigorously analyze key topics should be accompanied by the ability of students to communicate their arguments in a competent manner.

Learning skills: the course will focus mainly on theoretical models but attention will be paid to empirical issues as well. This  will help students to understand how to apply theoretical models to real life problems

Programma e contenuti dell'insegnamento/Course description

The course covers fundamental microeconomic issues, consumer’s theory, production theory, analysis of oligopolistic markets.  Strategic behavior will be analyzed by using game theory.

The detailed syllabus and the specific references will be made available online on the course web site at the beginning of the course.

Attività di apprendimento e metodi didattici previsti/Teaching and Learning activities

The course is organized in a series of lectures combined with some practical classes (esercitazioni) intended to verify how well students have understood the theoretical models. Given the relatively small number of students attending the course, there will be many opportunities to interact with them. In particular, students will be asked to solve weekly assignments and to discuss their solutions in class with the colleagues.

Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento/Examination

The evaluation of students will be made on the basis of: class participation, paper presentation (optional) and their performance in a midterm and a final exam. Exams are written and normally, they consist of four/five exercises which students are required to solve. During the course weekly assignments will be uploaded to the course web site. Students are invited to solve them and to participate in the discussion of their solution.

Testi / Bibliografia/Bibliography

The main references for the whole course are:

-       Jehle and Reny (J-R) Advanced Microeconomics Theory, (Third edition) Prentice Hall 2011.

-       Gibbons, Robert Game Theory for Applied Economist Princeton University Press 1992.

Other useful reference books are:

-       Varian, Hal, Microeconomic Analysis

-       Mas Colell, Whinston and Green Microeconomic Theory, Oxford University Press 1995

-       Henderson, J. E R.  Quandt “Microeconomic Theory, a mathematical Approach, 3rd edition, Mc Graw Hill (H-Q )

Other references may be provided during the course.

Strumenti a supporto della didattica/Further readings and support material

On web site of the course students will find: i) the slides related to some topics covered in class ; ii) homework assignments and their solutions.

Tesi di laurea/Thesis

Topics suitable for the preparation of the thesis should be agreed upon taking into account the specific interests of both students and professor.


Students who do not wish/cannot attend the lectures (non frequentanti) must contact the professor in order to agree on a specific program which will be partially different from that for students who attend the course (frequentanti).