Principles of Industrial Instrumentation (Strumentazione industriale di processo)

Programma dell'insegnamento di Principles of Industrial Instrumentation (Strumentazione industriale di processo) - cdl magistrale in Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e l'Energia


prof. Marta BOARO




The course aims to give students an overview of  the main instrumentation  used for  the automation and  control  of  physical and chemical parameters in the industrial processes and in the environmental analysis. Operation principles will be described rather than to provide an exhaustive list of all the instrumentation, Special emphasis will be given on the instrumentation used  for environmental analysis and for  chemical industrial processes.

Acquired skills

- Knowledge of working principles of main industrial instrumentation used for the control and optimization of the processes.
- Ability to manage the control and automation of an industrial plant through the choice of suitable instrumentation.
- Capability  to represent and analyze correctly the data of a chemical analysis depending on  the instrumentation  used.


Introduction to  the course (2 hours).
Introduction to the concept of measuring and principles of chemometry  (4 hours).
Measurement and control chains in the industrial processes (6 hours).
Analytical techniques for environmental analysis:  IR, UV-Vis Spectroscopy, Fluorescence, Chemi luminescence, Chromatography, Electrochemical techniques, Mass spectrometry (25 hours).
Instrumentation for the control of temperature, pressure, force, flow, level (15 hours).
The lectures will be supported by laboratory experiments  with the purpose to demonstrate the operation principles of the analytical techniques discussed in class, and to illustrate some applications in the field of environmental analysis (5 hours)
Case histories  to demonstrate the use of the instrumentation for the control and optimization of an industrial process (3 hours)



Lectures notes and material distributed in class.

Type of Exam

Oral;  report on the choice of the suitable instrumentation to control and optimize a selected industrial process.