Geotechnics part 2 (Complementi di geotecnica)

Programma dell'insegnamento di Geotechnics part 2 (Complementi di geotecnica) - cdl magistrale in Ingegneria Civile - Integrato con Progetto di infrastrutture viarie


prof. Roberto MERIGGI




Acquired skills


- To know the purposes of in situ investigation and the main methods of in situ testing
- To know and use the main theories of lateral earth pressures
- To know the principles of italian geotechnical code (Inspired to EuroCodes n. 7 and 8)
- To design retaining walls in static and seismic conditions
- To design sheet pile walls in static and seismic conditions
- To design anchors in static and seismic conditions
- To design shallow foundations under different load condition and evaluete their settlements
- To design deep foundations with different methods and evaluete their settlements: single or in grou


In situ investigation: Scope and purpose of site investigation, core drilling, methods of sampling. In situ testing: SPT,FVT, Dilatometer,Cone penetration tests and dilatometer tests (6 hours)
Lateral earth pressure: Rankine's theory of earth pressure, Coulomb's theory, Caquot Kerisel theory; Thrust against rigid wall. (4 hours)
Geotechnical code: Principles of italian code to design geotechnical structures in static and seismic conditions. (4 hours)
Retaining wall design: Tipology of retaining walls and their design in static and seismic conditions: SLU and SLE. (12 hours)
Sheet pile walls design: Tipology of sheet pile walls and their design in static and seismic conditions: SLU and SLE (8 hours)
Anchors design: Tipology of anchors and their design in static and seismic conditions (2 hours)
Trench stability: Limit equilibrium methods to verify stability condition of cuts and trenches. (2 hours)
Shallow foundations: Tipology of shallow foundations, Bearing capacity of foundations under different load conditions and evaluation of their settlements. (10 hours)
Deep foundations: Tipology of deep foundations, Evaluation of bearing capacity with different methods, behaviour of piles under horizontal loads, settlements of piles. (12 hours)


- Elementi di Geotecnica. Colombo P., Colleselli F.  -  Zanichelli.  Bologna.
- Geotecnica. Lancellotta R. Zanichelli. Bologna
- Fondazioni. Viggiani C.  Hevelius Edizioni. Napoli
- PDF copies of lessons slides

Additional material or information on line http://

Type of exam

Oral and/or thesis