Structural Rehabilitation (Riabilitazione strutturale)

Programma dell'insegnamento di Structural Rehabilitation (Riabilitazione strutturale) - cdl magistrale in Ingegneria Civile - Integrato con Conservazione e recupero degli edifici


prof. StefanoSORACE




General aspects, mechanical models, structural analysis and verification of existing masonry buildings. Damage analysis, investigation and diagnosis techniques, and intervention strategies on structural masonry and timber members, as well as on complete buildings, also of historical and artistic value. Damage analysis, investigation and diagnosis techniques, seismic evaluation procedures and intervention strategies on R/C structural members. Advanced seismic retrofit technologies for building structures. Development of a design exercise by each student, under the direction of the teaching staff.

Acquired skills

- Ability to perform structural and diagnostic assessment analyses of masonry, timber and R/C structural members.
- Ability to conceive and design rehabilitation and seismic improvement interventions of masonry , timber and R/C structural members.
- Ability to conceive and design seismic retrofit interventions of masonry and R/C buildings, also based on advanced protection technologies.


General aspects of masonry buildings
Construction shapes and techniques of masonry buildings. (2 hours)

Mechanics of masonry
Analytical models of mechanical behaviour of masonry panels, for simple and combined stress states. Finite element models. (6 hours)

Structural analysis of existing masonry buildings
Static configurations and verification criteria. Seismic analysis according to the new Italian Seismic Standards. Shear and moment-compression verifications at the ultimate limit state. Seismic assessment by non-linear analysis approaches. (8 hours)

Damage configurations of masonry buildings
Analysis of the most typical static and earthquake-induced damage configurations. Mechanical interpretation of the surveyed configurations. (6 hours)

Basics of design and verification of timber structures
Physical and mechanical characteristics of wood for structural use. Verifications at service and utlimate limit states of timber structural members . 8 (hours)

Diagnosis of masonry and wood structural members
Overview of the main survey, inspection and mechanical investigation techniques of masonry and wood structural members. Diagnostic evaluation of results. (4 )

Rehabilitation interventions on masonry and wood structures
Overview of traditional and innovative rehabilitation intervention techniques on masonry members (foundations, walls, columns, flat-arches, arches, vaults, domes) and wood members (columns, floors, roofs). Active and passive strengthening principles. Calculus criteria of the interventions examined. (12 hours)

Investigation and diagnosis of R/C structures
Analysis of the most typical static and earthquake-induced damage configurations. Overview of the main survey, inspection and mechanical investigation techniques of R/C structural members. Interpretation of results, and structural evaluation procedures of surveyed damage configurations. (4hours)

Rehabilitation interventions on R/C structures
Overview of traditional and innovative rehabilitation intervention techniques, and relevant calculus criteria. (6 hours)

Advanced seismic retrofit technologies of existing buildings
Advanced seismic protection strategies of structures, and their application to retrofit interventions of existing buildings. Classification and overview of protection devices and technologies. Outline of design criteria. Demonstrative applications to existing masonry, R/C and steel buildings. (4 hours)


- S. Sorace. Dispense del corso di Riabilitazione strutturale. Università di Udine.
- P. Rocchi. Manuale del consolidamento. Edizioni Dei.
- F. Iacobelli. Progetto e verifica delle costruzioni in muratura in zona sismica. EPC Libri.
- L. Uzielli (coord.). Il manuale del legno strutturale. Voll. 1, 2, 3. Mancosu Editore.
- U. Bachmann. Seismic conceptual design of structures. UFAEG
- P. Rocchi. Manuale della diagnostica. Edizioni Dei.
- M. Dolce, A. Martelli, G. Panza. Moderni metodi di protezione dagli effetti del terremoto. 21mo Secolo.

Type of exam
