Computer and Network Security (the English translation of "Sicurezza informatica" )

Computer and Network Security (traduzione in inglese del programma di Sicurezza informatica) - cdl magistrale in Ingegneria Gestionale


prof. Pier Luca MONTESSORO






Design principles and management of computers and computer networks security, including organizational aspects. Advanced techniques and design for network infrastructures, including wide area networks

Acquired skills

- Understanding network security.
- Knowledge of organizational and management problems for computers and computer networks security within companies.
- Knowledge on designing and building infrastructures for metropolitan and geographical computer networks.
- Design and implementation of security-oriented network configurations.

Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)

Security fundamentals: autentication, nonrepudiation, integrity; networks vulnerability and possible attacks; denial of service (DoS); cryptography; symmetrical and asymmetrical algorithms, private and public keys; signatures and digital certificates (10 hours).
Security and vulnerabilities in systems:  buffer overflow, SQL injection and countermeasures (4 hours).
Security and vulnerabilities in computer networks: MAC flooding, ARP Poisoning, “man in the middle” attacks and contermeasures; security and vulnerabilities of wireless networks (6 hours).
Protocols and design principles for security in computer networks: security in the network infrastructure (VPN and IPSEC);cryptography at the transport and application layers (SSH,SHTTP, secure copy, etc.); firewalls, proxy servers, DMZ (4 hours).
Infrastructures for wide area networks: public networks architecture, technologies for copper and optical fiber cabling, wirelessnetworks; deployment and system design (seminaries held by experts - see below the number of hours).
Managing the information security within the companies:  legal and organizational aspects, outsourcing and cloud computing (4 hours).
Managing the information security in companies: case studies: seminars in collaboration with companies (seminaries held by experts - see below the number of hours).
Lab project: lab project description and assignement (security-oriented network configrations based on virtual machines) (4 hours).
Labs (10 hours).
Tutorials/Seminars (18 hours).


- James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross, "Computer Networking: a top-down approach featuring the Internet", 4th edition, Pearson Education-Addison Wesley
- Kevin Mitnick, "The Art of Deception", Wiley Publishing Inc.
- Mario Baldi, Pietro Nicoletti, "Internetworking", 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill (in italian)
- Simon Singh, "The code book", Anchor Books

Type of exam

Written and oral

Additional material or information on line