
Supervisore: Prof.ssa Colitti

L’utilizzo della nutraceutica e lo studio di alimenti funzionali

Nutraceuticals benefit physiological processes of the organism and can be integrated into the diet. They are bioactive compounds, especially of plant origin, which can be ingested through functional foods or as dietary supplements. Nutraceuticals have a protective effect and can be used as important preventive strategies for human and animal health. In addition, natural bioactive compounds can be extracted from waste materials from the agri-food industry to promote a sustainable bioeconomy. In particular, the research project aims to increase the knowledge of natural bioactive compounds in terms of their efficacy and mechanisms of action to delay muscle aging in dogs and counteract diseases associated with this process. The first signs of aging in domestic dogs are fatigue and poor mobility caused by skeletal muscle aging. This condition drastically limits the quality of life of the animals. The ultimate goal is to develop prototypes of specific nutritional supplements for dogs. This represents an effective strategy to promote health while preserving the ecosystem.