I SEMESTER - 01.11.2023 - 30.04.2024

• The Selection of a Research Approach. The Research Topic: Rigor & Relevance. The use of Theory. Reserarch gaps & Literature Review (UNIVR) (8 hours) – CFU: 1 - Prof. Ivan Russo
• Research questions. Central Research Idea. A classification of study types: quantitative, qualitative and mixed method research (UNIVR) (8 hours) – CFU: 1 – Prof. Ilenia Confente
• Does Theory matter? Applied Transaction Cost Economics (UNIVR) (4 hours) – CFU: 0,5 – Prof. Cecilia Rossignoli
• Does Theory matter? Applied Resource based view. (UNIVR) (4 hours) – CFU: 0,5 – Prof. Alessandro Zardini

  • • Paradigms in Qualitative Research Methods (UNIVR) (12 hours) – CFU: 1,5 – Prof. Alessandro Lai
    • Theories (UNIVR) (12 hours) CFU: 1,5 – Prof. Riccardo Stacchezzini
    • Focus group, content analysis (UNIVR) (6 hours) – CFU: 0,75 – Prof. Sara Moggi
    • Critical discourse analysis, action research and participant observation (UNIVR) (6 hours) – CFU: 0,75 – Prof. Alice Sproviero
    • Case study approach, grounded theory method (GTM) (UNIVR) (6 hours) – CFU: 0,75 – Prof. Lapo Mola
    • Qualitative Comparative Analysis (UNIUD) (6 hours) – CFU: 0,75 – Prof. Francesca Visintin
  • • Data categories and Exploratory Data Analysis (UNIUD) (6 hours) – CFU: 0,75 – Prof. Laura Pagani
    • Data reduction methods: cluster analysis, PCA, factor analysis (UNIUD) (12 hours) – CFU: 1,5 – Prof. Laura Pagani
    • Review of basic Probability and Statistics, frequentist methods of inference (UNIUD) (6 hours) – CFU: 0,75 – Prof. Luca Grassetti
    • Bayesian inference, Monte Carlo Markov Chains (UNIUD) (6 hours) – CFU: 0,75 – Prof. Luca Grassetti
    • Basic regression techniques (linear model, multivariate regression, fixed and random effects) (UNIUD) (9 hours) – CFU: 1,125 – Prof. Laura Rizzi
    • Advanced regression techniques (models for single binary outcomes, glm, glmm) (UNIUD) – (9 hours) – CFU: 1,125 – Prof. Laura Rizzi

• Econometric modelling with Stata: Quantile Regression, Panel Data, Nonlinear regressions, Limited Dependent variables (UNIVR) (20 hours) – CFU 2,5 – Prof. Riccardo Scarpa
• Econometric modelling with Stata: Systems of linear regressions, Survey Data, Endogeneity & Instrumental vairables (UNIVR) (8 hours) – CFU 1 – Prof.Claudia Bazzani
• Econometric modelling with Stata: multiple regression and its violations (GLS,FGLS,WLS) (UNIVR) ( 8 hours) – CFU 1- Prof. Elena Claire Ricci
•Process model & process analysis. Case study replication (UNIVR) ( 8 hours) – CFU 1 - Prof. Alessandro Zardini

II SEMESTER - 01.05.2024 - 30.10.2024

• Evolutions of Accounting Studies (UNIVR) (4 hours) – CFU: 0,50 - Prof. Alessandro Lai
• Classics in positivist accounting research (UNIVR) (4 hours) – CFO: 0,50 – Prof. Cristina Florio
• Classics in positivist accounting research (UNIVR) (4 hours) – CFO: 0,50 – Prof. Francesca Rossignoli
• Classic in critical and interpretative accounting studies (UNIVR) (4 hours) – CFO: 0,50 – Prof. Riccardo Stacchezzini

• Strategic-performance measurement systems (UNIUD) (6 hours) – CFO: 0,75 – Prof. Filippo Zanin
• Value-based management systems (UNIUD) (2 hours) – CFO: 0,25 – Prof. Eugenio Comuzzi
• Value-based management systems (UNIUD) (4 hours) – CFO: 0,50 – Prof. Giulio Corazza
• ESG measurement systems (UNIUD) (2 hours) – CFO: 0,25 – Prof. Filippo Zanin
• ESG measurement systems (UNIUD) (2 hours) – CFO: 0,25 – Prof. Giulio Corazza

• Marketing (UNIUD) (4 hours) – CFO: 0,50 – Prof. Francesco Raggiotto
• International business (UNIUD) (4 hours) – CFO: 0,50 – Prof. Maria Chiarvesio
• Organisation (UNIUD) (4 hours) – CFO: 0,50 – Prof. Giancarlo Lauto
• Business strategy (UNIUD) (4 hours) – CFO: 0,50 – Prof. Andrea Moretti

• Theory of financial intermediation (UNIVR) (12 hours) - CFO: 2,50 – Prof. Laura Chiaramonte
• Capital structure theories (UNIUD) (4 hours) – CFO: 0,50 – Prof. Josanco Floreani

• Key research topics about Supply Chain Management (SCM). Analyze the main research streams in the academic literature that focus on SCM (UNIVR) (8 hours) - CFO: 1,00– Prof. Ivan Russo
• Key research topics about Supply Chain Management (SCM). Analyze the main research streams in the academic literature that focus on SCM (UNIVR) (8 hours) – CFO: 1,00 – Prof. Barbara Gaudenzi

• Fundamentals of project management. PM areas, scope, WBS (UNIUD) (6 hours) – CFO: 0,75 – Prof. Cinzia Battistella
• Time management, Project Cycle Management (UNIUD) (6 hours) – CFO: 0,75 – Prof. Cinzia Battistella
• Organisation and management of a project proposal: call finding and logical framework (UNIUD) (4 hours) – CFO: 0,50 – Prof. Luca Giovanni Carlo Brusati
• Organisation and management of a project proposal: Gantt and budget (UNIUD) (8 hours) – CFO: 1,00 – Prof.ssa Irina Dokalskaya

• Dialogic accounting and public engagement (UNIVR) (8 hours) – CFO: 1,00 – Prof. Stefano Landi

• Main theoretical frameworks about Corporate Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (UNIVR) (4 hours) – CFO: 0,50 – Prof. Silvia Cantele
• Main theoretical frameworks and empirical research on Business Models (BM) and Sustainable Business Models (SBM) (UNIVR) (4 hours) – CFO: 0,50 – Prof. Silvia Vernizzi

• Servitisation (UNIUD) (2 hours) – CFO: 0,25 – Prof. Raffaella Tabacco
• Consumer behaviour- basics (UNIUD) (2 hours) – CFO: 0,25 – Prof. Francesco Raggiotto
• Consumer behaviour-advanced (UNIUD) (2 hours) – CFO: 0,25 – Prof. Michela Cesarina Mason
• Family business (UNIUD) (2 hours) – CFO: 0,25 – Prof. Daniel Pittino

• Sustainable finance, supply chain financing (UNIVR) (8 hours) – CFO: 1,00 – Prof. Laura Chiaramonte

• Logistics & Supply Chain Management & Marketing (UNIVR) (2 hours) – CFO: 0,25 – Prof. Davide D’Acunto
• Logistics & Supply Chain Management & Sustainability (UNIVR) (4 hours) – CFP_ 0,50 – Prof. Silvia Blasi
• Logistics & Supply Chain Management & Marketing (UNIVR) (2 hours) – CFO: 0,25 – Prof. Ilenia Confente

• Understanding consumer behaviour for sustainable food (UNIVR) (4 hours) – CFO: 0,50 – Prof. Roberta Capitello
• Eliciting consumer willingness to pay for sustainable food attributes (UNIVR) (2 hours) – CFO: 0,25 – Prof. Claudia Bazzani
• Nudging consumer choices towards sustainable and innovative products (UNIVR) (2 hours) – CFO: 0,25 – Prof. Elena Claire Ricci