Access local admission
Credits 180
Duration 3 years
Location Udine
Legal requirements High School Diploma or other equivalent

Education sciences

The degree course aims to offer future educators a training that guarantees a solid common cultural and scientific foundation and at the same time adequate preparation in the context of the two specific outgoing professional profiles.
At the end of the studies, graduates must have acquired:
- basic knowledge of the epistemological, theoretical and methodological assumptions and principles of the educational sciences area and of the other disciplinary areas relevant to the educator's professionalism, as well as - as regards the curriculum for educators of educational services for childhood - with specific reference to early childhood;
- operational skills and ability to contextualize these principles from both a historical and social point of view in order to critically understand the dimensions of educational processes, including gender, generational, cultural dimensions, as well as — for the curriculum for educator of educational services for the childhood - with specific reference to early childhood;
- theoretical-practical knowledge in research methodologies to analyze the complexity of educational contexts, decode the levels of training demand, highlight the resources present in an educational community perspective, as well as for the curriculum for educators of educational services for early childhood - with reference educational services aimed at the o-3 age range;
- planning, methodological, organizational, communicative-relational skills and competences, also in team and network work, to elaborate, manage, document, evaluate community and individual educational projects from an inclusive, multilingual, intercultural and equity perspective, as well as - for the specific curriculum — in early childhood education services and settings;
- planning, methodological, organizational, communicative-relational skills and competences, in the context of lifelong learning processes and projects as well as conducted through digital environments and tools, also - as regards the specific curriculum - with possible reference to issues relating to education for early childhood;
- knowledge in the field of educational sciences aimed at the various stages of development (in particular, for the related curriculum, as regards the o-3 years range), as well as at the different ages of life (including adulthood and ageing) in order to identify the training needs of the different users and plan educational interventions from a life cycle perspective;
- the fluent possession, in written and oral form, of at least one European Union language, in addition to Italian, also with reference to the specificity of educational contexts, as well as plurilingual and intercultural contexts;
the possession of adequate skills and tools for communication and information management also taking into account their effects on team and community work, as well as in relation to educational emergency conditions.

In order to achieve the aforementioned objectives, the CdS provides for a plurality of training activities aimed at offering learners the possibility of exploring the various dimensions that characterize the figures of the socio-pedagogical professional educator and for early childhood educational services. Over the three-year period, the educational activities of the CdS develop, also with the aim of gradually promoting an ever greater critical awareness and autonomy on the part of the student, in the sense of a progressive professionalization and characterization on the two curricula.

After a first year characterized by a solid common training in basic and characterizing subjects (pedagogical, psychological, anthropological, geographical) - always in any case oriented towards the construction of the future professionalism of an educator capable of "reading" the complexity of today's professional contexts — during the second year, the path is divided into two specific curricula aimed at training the professional figures envisaged at the end of the course. The training plan of the second year is designed, in fact, in order to provide - albeit always within a common framework provided by the cultural and scientific planning of the CdS - a specific preparation for the two profiles of the educator in the educational services for the childhood and socio-pedagogical educator. To this end, targeted courses are envisaged in the pedagogical, psychological, sociological fields and disciplines aimed at the inclusion of disabled people. In addition to these teachings, during the second year there are also some specific professional training laboratories for the two curricula, as well as a first tranche of internship which constitutes a first opportunity for students to approach the plurality of possible professional contexts. The various aspects prepared in the first two years of the course find completion in the third year, which appears to be strongly characterized by a precise attention to accompanying and supporting the process.

The socio-pedagogical professional educator is a professional figure recognized by the Law of 27 December 2017, n. 205, art. 1, paragraphs 594-600 and subsequent amendments and additions; in fact, pursuant to paragraph 595 of art. 1 of the Law of 27 December 2017, n. 205, the qualification of socio-pedagogical professional educator is attributed with a degree L-19 and in accordance with the provisions of the legislative decree 13 April 2017, n. 65. According to paragraph 594 of the Law of 27 December 2017, n. 205, art. 1 the socio-pedagogical professional educator works in the educational, training and pedagogical field, in relation to any activity carried out in a formal, non-formal and informal way, in the various phases of life, in a perspective of personal and social growth, according to the definitions contained in article 2 of legislative decree 16 January 2013, n. 13, pursuing the objectives of the European Strategy approved by the Lisbon European Council of 23 and 24 March 2000.

The educator of educational services for children is a figure who can operate in public, private or third sector structures in educational services for children which, pursuant to legislative decree 13 April 2017, n. 65, are divided into crèches and nursery schools, spring sections, supplementary services that contribute to the education and care of girls and boys and satisfy the needs of families (play areas, centers for children and families, educational services in the home). Furthermore, as a graduate in class L-19, the educator of educational services for childhood obtains the qualification of socio-pedagogical professional educator and can therefore also operate in educational contexts that provide for the figure of socio-pedagogical professional educator.