1/2011 - An age-structured population dynamics model for several species with finite life-span

I. Mazzer, R. Vermiglio
Titolo An age-structured population dynamics model for several species with finite life-span
Numero 1/2011
Sottomesso da Rossana Vermiglio
Sottomesso il 24/1/2011
Stato Bozza
Autori I. Mazzer, R. Vermiglio
Abstract In this paper we propose a nonlinear model to describe the dynamics of more interacting populations or species which generalizes the Gurtin-MacCamy one. The idea is that the basic dynamics of each populations is well-describe by the Gurtin-MacCamy model, but we also want to take into account how the vital rates can be influenced by the presence of other populations or species. This report is the result of the master's thesis of Mazzer Ilenia. In the first part we give the basic results on existence and uniqueness of solutions, while the second part is devoted on some numerical experiments.
File 1-2011-vermiglio.pdf