Parallel Architectures (the English translation of "Architetture parallele")
prof. Antonio ABRAMO
The class aims at providing the skills required to face the study and design of distributed applications on parallel and heterogeneous architectures.
The class features a significant amount of lab activities where design of parallel algorithms on massively parallela architectures in CUDA.
Acquired skills
- Knowledge about main distributed computing paradigms.
- Knowledge about the design issues concerning parallel applications.
- Programming applications in CUDA and OpenCL.
Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)
Parallel architectures: the meaning of parallelism; Flynn tassonomy; memory topologies; Message Passing and Shared Memory models; MIMD and SIMD architectures; Systolic and dataflow architectures; Neural architectures; the parallel software, naming, ordering, decomposition, orchestration, mapping, synchronization (12 hours).
Massively parallel architectures: GPU, architetture, memory types and management, threads and kernels, host and GPU management, synchronization and monadic operations, multi-GPU management (12 hours).
The CUDA language: language elements, application examples, lab assignement and project design (18 hours).
The OpenCL language: language elements, application examples, lab assignement and project design (18 hours).
Exercises (36 hours).
- D.B. Kirk, W-m.W Hwu, "Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach", Morgan-Kaufmann
Type of exam
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