Telecommunication Systems (the English translation of "Sistemi di telecomunicazione")
prof. Roberto RINALDO
The course aims at providing the tools for the analysis and design of modern telecommunication systems, the receiver algorithms for data demodulation. It also provides the tools for the numerical simulation of the telecommunication system.
Acquired skills
- Design and analysis of digital and analog telecommunication systems.
- Analog and digital data transmission techniques.
- Receiver algorithms and equalization.
- Theoretical performance limits for reliable communications.
- Techniques for the performance analysis and simulation both theoretical and via simulation.
- Applications and elements of telecommunication standards.
Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)
Passband signals and representation: passband signals and random processes characterization (10 hours).
Theory of analog modulation: baseband equivalent schemes for the analysis of linear modulation (DSB, SSB, VSB), and non-linear modulation (AM, FM); performance and signal-to-noise-ratio evaluation; power budget and design of telecommunication systems (10 hours).
Non-uniform quantization: non-uniform quantization; Lloyd-Max optimum quantizer; asymptotic performance of a quantizer (4 hours).
Theory of digital communication: signal space; maximum-likelihood optimum receiver; irrelevance; digital modulation techniques (FSK, PSK, PAM, QAM); performance evaluation, exact symbol error rate and bounds (12 hours).
Equalization: intersymbol interference; optimal receiver in dispersive channels; sequence detection and Viterbi algorithm; linear equalization; zero forcing and MMSE equalizer; channel estimation (10 hours).
Application and standars: application of the modulation techniques and main elements of standards (2 hours).
Exercises and problems: exercises and problems about the course topics and discussion about more in-depth topics (8 hours).
Tutorials/ Seminars (4 hours)
- Course notes by the teacher
- N. Benvenuto, G. Cherubini; Algoritmi e Circuiti per Telecomunicazioni, vol.1, Edizioni Libreria Progetto
Type of exam
Written and oral