Metallurgy (the English translation of "Metallurgia")
prof. Fabio MIANI
- Comprehension of basic mechanisms of the mechanical behaviour of metals in relation to their constitution and (nano) microstructure.
- Knowledge of the main classes of metallic materials (Fe base alloys, mention of Cu and Al) including properties, standards, applications.
- Knowledge of the main tools (strengthening mechanisms, treatments) to modify the mechanical properties of metallic materials with particular reference to Fe base alloys.
Acquired skills
- Correlation among microstructure and properties.
- Foresee the effects of heat treatments on the properties of iron based alloys.
- Properties, heat treatment, applications and standards of steels and cast iron.
Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)
Constitution of metallic materials: atomic ordering; crystals; solid solutions; intermetallic alloys; metallurgical thermodynamics, chemical and phase equilibrium (3 hours).
Constitution of metallic materials: phase rule; free energy diagrams; phase diagrams; atomic diffusion in metals and alloys (3 hours).
Microstructure: solidification; nucleation; undercooling; structures; segregation; phase transformation in the solid; martensitic transformation (4 hours).
Defects: point and line defects; dislocations; motion; interaction; sources and work hardening (2 hours).
Mechanical properties: physical model of the elastic modulus; plastic deformation of the single crystal; yielding; plastic instability and rupture; work hardening; hardness; stress strain curves in engineering and true units; strain hardening (4 hours).
Strength of materials: strengthening mechanisms in metallic materials; recovery and recrystallization (3 hours).
Failure: fracture propagation; Griffith theory; fracture mechanisms, morphologies; fatigue failure; mechanisms; fracture surface analysis (fractography); influence of materials structure and mechanical aspects; mechanical testing on metallic materials (8 hours).
Physical metallurgy of iron based alloys: the Fe-C phase diagram; transformation curves; heat treatments; tempering; Jominy Hardenability (6 hours).
Iron based alloys: standards, treatments, applications: general purpose steels, special steels, tool steels, stainless steels, cast irons (8 hours).
Non ferrous alloys: main types and applications of aluminium and copper alloys (4 hours).
Exercises: applications of a software for computational metallurgy (Pandat) (26 hours).
Exercises (6 hours).
- Lecture notes
- A. Cigada, T. Pastore Struttura e proprieta’ dei Materiali Metallici, Mc-Graw
- Hill 2012- W. Nicodemi Acciai e Leghe non ferrose, Zanichelli Editore, 2000
- R. E. Smallman PhD A.H.W. Ngan PhD Modern Physical Metallurgy, Eighth Edition
Slides and Online Materials at: University of Roma La Sapienza/ University of Cassino
An user manual is available at:
Type of exam
Written and oral