Metallurgy (the English translation of "Metallurgia")

Metallurgy (traduzione in inglese del programma di Metallurgia) - cdl magistrale in Ingegneria Meccanica


prof. Fabio MIANI






  1. Comprehension of basic mechanisms of the mechanical behaviour of metals in relation to their constitution and (nano) microstructure.
  2. Knowledge of the main classes of metallic materials (Fe base alloys, mention of Cu and Al) including properties, standards, applications.
  3. Knowledge of the main tools (strengthening mechanisms, treatments) to modify the mechanical properties of metallic materials with particular reference to Fe base alloys.

Acquired skills

- Correlation among microstructure and properties.
- Foresee the effects of heat treatments on the properties of iron based alloys.
- Properties, heat treatment, applications and standards of steels and cast iron.

Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)

Constitution of metallic materials: atomic ordering; crystals; solid solutions; intermetallic alloys; metallurgical thermodynamics, chemical and phase equilibrium (3 hours).
Constitution of metallic materials: phase rule; free energy diagrams; phase diagrams; atomic diffusion in metals and alloys (3 hours).
Microstructure: solidification; nucleation; undercooling; structures; segregation; phase transformation in the solid; martensitic transformation (4 hours).
Defects: point and line defects; dislocations; motion; interaction; sources and work hardening (2 hours).
Mechanical properties: physical model of the elastic modulus; plastic deformation of the single crystal; yielding; plastic instability and rupture; work hardening; hardness; stress strain curves in engineering and true units; strain hardening (4 hours).
Strength of materials: strengthening mechanisms in metallic materials; recovery and recrystallization (3 hours).
Failure: fracture propagation; Griffith theory; fracture mechanisms, morphologies; fatigue failure; mechanisms; fracture surface analysis (fractography); influence of materials structure and mechanical aspects; mechanical testing on metallic materials (8 hours).
Physical metallurgy of iron based alloys: the Fe-C phase diagram; transformation curves; heat treatments; tempering; Jominy Hardenability (6 hours).
Iron based alloys: standards, treatments, applications: general purpose steels, special steels, tool steels, stainless steels, cast irons (8 hours).
Non ferrous alloys: main types and applications of aluminium and copper alloys (4 hours).
Exercises: applications of a software for computational metallurgy (Pandat) (26 hours).
Exercises (6 hours).


- Lecture notes
- A. Cigada, T. Pastore Struttura e proprieta’ dei Materiali Metallici, Mc-Graw
- Hill 2012- W. Nicodemi Acciai e Leghe non ferrose, Zanichelli Editore, 2000
- R. E. Smallman PhD A.H.W. Ngan PhD Modern Physical Metallurgy, Eighth Edition
Slides and Online Materials at: University of  Roma La Sapienza/ University of Cassino

An user manual is available at:

Type of exam

Written and oral