General Physics 1 - Module I (the English translation of "Fisica Generale I con laboratorio - I modulo ")

General Physics 1 - Module I (traduzione in inglese del programma di Fisica Generale I con laboratorio - I modulo) - cdl in Ingegneria Elettronica


prof.ssa aggr. Anna ZANETTI






This course is intended to provide the concepts and the methods at the basis of classical mechanics and thermodynamics. An essential objective of the course is to introduce the laws of dynamics and thermology stating the quantitative and predictive nature of physics. In this respect, the concepts and the physical ideas will be applied to the quantitative solution of simple problems and to some laboratory experiences.

Acquired skills

- Use of the experimental method to define the physical quantities.
- Ability in discerning the two typical models describing nature: either at global and phenomenological scale, or at structural and microscopic scale.
- Ability in distinguishing fundamental laws (i.e. energy conservation, gravity, etc.) from statistical ones (friction and viscosity, etc.).
- Ability in applying the physical laws to solving simple real problems.
- To estimate elementary errors of measurement.

Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)

Measurements and unities: introduction; measurements; fundamental quantities and units; units and derived dimensions; space, time and matter (2 hours).
Vectors: vectors, operations between vectors, reference systems (1 hours).
Kinematics in two and three dimensions: rectilinear motion, velocity and acceleration; some special motions; free vertical motion; vector representation of velocity and acceleration; relative motions, composition of velocity and accelerations and Galilean transformations; curvilinear motion, velocity and tangential and normal accelerations; circular motion, angular, radial and transversal velocities and angular acceleration; relative motions with respect to reference systems in translational and rotational motion; Coriolis acceleration (7 hours).
Force, quantity of motion and momenta: first law of the dynamics (the law of inertia); inertial reference systems; forces and the second (2nd) law of dynamics; some examples about forces; third law of dynamics; some applications of second law; elastic force and resolution of the equation of motion for harmonic oscillations; friction and its properties; resistance of a medium and limit velocity; circular uniform motion, centripetal force and motion discussion in the rotational reference system; quantity of motion (linear momentum); torque of a force; angular version of the 2nd law of dynamics; central forces (12 hours).
Work and energy: work of a force and power; kinetic energy; unit of the energy; work of a constant force; potential energy and relation with the work; relation between the torque of a force and the potential energy in the curvilinear planar motion; conservation of the energy of a particle and conservative forces; non-conservative forces and energy dissipation; force and energy in the simple harmonic motion (12 hours).
Particle systems, collisions, rigid bodies and equilibrium: motion of the centre of mass of a particle system, isolated system; system subjected to external forces; reduced mass; angular momentum of a particle system; energy conservation of a particle system and total energy; internal energy of a particle system; particle collisions; elastic and inelastic collisions; rigid body and its angular momentum; equation of motion for the rotation of a rigid body; rotational kinetic energy of a rigid body; pure rolling motion; equilibrium of a rigid body (20 hours).
Oscillations and elastic waves: oscillations, simple and composite pendulum; dumped and forced oscillations; wave motion and wave properties; waves in a string and sound waves; Doppler effect for sound waves (6 hours).
Exercises (18 hours).
Labs (8 hours).


- D.Halliday, R.Resnick, J.Walker, Fondamenti di Fisica - Meccanica Onde Termodinamica, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
- P. Mazzoldi, M. Nigro, C. Voci, Elementi di Fisica, Edises

Type of exam

Written and oral